Dwayne Overbey Intro Post

Hey guys and gals. I'm Dwayne Overbey, an individual with an extensive interest and knowledge when it comes to the practice of law. Practicing law is everything to me, heh. This holds true for me irl as well. My role model is Barack Obama, both because he is African American (like me) and a former civil rights attorney. ?

Again, hey peeps. :tnp:
Welcome! Luckily for you, TNP holds elections for the Judicial branch, so you can run to become a Judge then (every 4 months, the next one being at the start of November.)

Because I'm usually too lazy to look for them, there are a bunch of useful links in my signature that you can look at.
Hello there! Welcome to The North Pacific! Since you seem to hold a great interest in law and now that you hold citizenship, feel free to participate in our Regional Assembly where you can propose bills to amend our Constitution, Bill of Rights, or Legal Code and vote on new bills, and participate in formal bill discussions.