[DISCUSSION] New Recruitment TG for Dispatch Upvoting


TNP Nation
Hey there!
I noticed that you are an active poster in the Regional Message Board (RMB). The RMB is a great way to help nations find out what is happening in The North Pacific but this is not the only in-game news feature available to you.

[nation=short]The Northern Light[/nation], a government run nation, regularly posts dispatches that inform people of the goings on in the form of Press releases, TNL Issues, Regional Digests and more. All of these can tell you about different parts of the community. To help them get seen by more people they need to be upvoted. Upvoting is a very important part of dispatches because it increases a dispatches visibility by moving them up the new and best dispatch lists.

To upvote a dispatch:
1. Open the dispatch you want to upvote.
2. On the top right of the page you will see a number with two arrows. One above and one below. The number is number of upvotes the dispatch has, the up arrow is the upvote button and the down arrow is the downvote button.
3. Press the up arrow. You will know this has worked if the arrow goes green.

Below you will find a small list of dispatches to upvote. To find more keep an eye on the RMB where The Northern Lights will post when new dispatches are released.

If you have any questions about dispatches or upvoting, please let me know.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
This is a first draft so there will be places for improvement, so be free to reply with anything that can improve the tg.