[DRAFT]Monthly Memoirs for July


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation
Monthly Memoirs is back again for July! This month, I put a spin on the questions and how they were decided. This July, you got to ask the questions! Overall, [number of questions submitted] questions were submitted and [number of answers] answers were posted! We had questions submitted from members in all corners of the community. By allowing you to ask the questions, we are all building the article together.
Below, you'll find the list of this month's questions, you can answer as many as you like! Make sure to send all of your answers through a telegram or forum PM to me.
  • From @Xagill to all TNPers: What has been your best experience in the North Pacific?
  • From @wicheye to all TNPers: How much time do you give NationStates per day on average?
  • From @Sheppey to all citizens: If you could run a new region with any one other TNP citizen past or present, who would it be and why?
  • From @Nordpazifik to the staff of the Ministry of Communications: Why did you decide to be a part of Communications?
  • From @Nordpazifik to all TNPers: If TNP was somehow suddenly disbanded overnight, where would you stay and why?

Okay, if you have a suggestion for a question, fill out, copy and post the application below in this thread! I will gather all of the answered questions and edit them into the next draft stages.
[b]TNP Nation[/b]:

[b]Question[/b]: (Two sentences maximum.)
Thank you!
TNP Nation:Xagill

Question: What has been your best experience in the North Pacific?
TNP Nation: Nordpazifik

Question: If TNP was somehow suddenly disbanded overnight, where would you stay and why?
What has been your best experience in the North Pacific?

In all honesty, I have had a lot of very good experiences in The North Pacific. If I had to pick though, my best experience would have to be when I became an ambassador in the diplomatic team to TEP. It was the first time I really got to interact with members of TNP and other regions. Before that, I had mostly just answered my nation's issues and occasionally talked on the RMB but because of that I got a lot more involved in the region.

How much time do you give NationStates per day on average?

Too much. :P But in all actuality, I give NS about 2-3 hours per day on average scrolling through the forums, talking on Discord, and carrying out my duties as a DM. I also occasionally go on OOC binges spending up to 2 hours at a time trying to count to 10 without being interrupted by Siwale.

Why did you decide to be a part of Communications?

Communications lets me express myself openly to the residents of TNP and beyond. Also, I really enjoy writing and certainly get to do a lot of that in the ministry. The biggest reason I joined the ministry is because I wanted to interview members of TNP to get to know more about them and it's interesting to see how their stories both are similar and different from your own. So far I haven't had a chance to give an interview, but look forward to doing one in the near future.

If TNP was somehow suddenly disbanded overnight, where would you stay and why?

Ugh. This is hard. The region I've had the best experience in (only as a diplomat) has been 10,000 Islands. They've always been very friendly to me and are fun to talk with. I wouldn't mind being a citizen in their region and think it would suit me well.
What has been your best experience in the North Pacific?: I'd say that my best experience in The North Pacific has been in the role play world of Eras. I joined NationStates mainly because I have a passion for creating fictional worlds and universes and I thought it was incredibly cool that their was a game that could let me do that. Eras let me expand that, as I was able to create my own nation in an entire imagined world. It enabled me to create interesting characters, backstories, and to tie those stories in with my fellow RPers' stories. It has been fun.

How much time do you give NationStates per day on average?: That all depends. During the school year, maybe an hour or two a day as I really don't have time for anything other than sports and studies. During the summer, however, I give it anywhere between 3 and 5 hours a day because, at least for this summer, I really haven't had anything better to do.

Why did you decide to be a part of Communications?: I had an open class on my schedule and I didn't really know what to do with it so I decided to take Journalism. It was a pretty fun class, but it got a little boring and repetitive towards the end of the year. My friend and I would finish our articles within the first thirty minutes of class and it would take the editor forever to edit our papers so we would just mess around on the computers. One day, I was browsing through the forums and I noticed that we had a regional newspaper. I read through a copy of it and thought it would be fun to be a writer and I applied to join the ministry.

If TNP was somehow suddenly disbanded overnight, where would you stay and why?: Hmmm, that's kinda tough. I suppose I might stay in either another GCR or in The Kingdom of Great Britain. What I really like about TNP is the amount of activity that you don't really see in other regions, so the second best thing would be to join another GCR. However, TKoGB has some very interesting role play, so I really can't decide.
How much time do you give NationStates per day on average?: Usually an hour each day with the weekends being two to three hours normally.

Why did you decide to be a part of Communications?: I decided to be part of Communications as I had spare time and writing for a reason helped me to relax as well as being productive and writing for a goal.

If TNP was somehow suddenly disbanded overnight, where would you stay and why?: I would stay in one of the feeders, most likely The East Pacific as I have slowly established a connection over there. They have an interesting system of government and a great RP scene in which I want to explore more.