Owenstacey for Speaker


TNP Nation
Owenstacey for Speaker of the Regional Assembly - July 2017

Hello and welcome to everyone choosing to take some time to read this. For those who do not know me, I am Owenstacey and I am standing for Speaker of the Regional Assembly.

As many of you will know I stood for Speaker against Bootsie at the last General Election and sadly lost. However, I don’t see the General Election as a huge loss as it has allowed me to continue learning about the Speaker’s Office and continue to grow whilst being Bootsie’s Deputy. I feel this past few weeks of running the Speaker’s Office on my own has given me the chance to flourish and prove how well suited I am to being Speaker. And as with my predecessors, my main focus for this term, should I be elected, will be to boost the activity of the Speaker’s Office and find ways on making it even more efficient.

My first job, if elected, will be to look for two hardworking citizens to come on board as my Deputy Speakers. This will be really important for me to get done quickly because I have seen first hand what it is like to run the Office on your own.

In addition to this, I will be looking to re-introduce the Speaker’s Staff. The Speaker's staff were not utilised enough by Bootsie and were never given any jobs. However, this term, I am looking to bring them back to help improve the efficiency of the office by giving them a few new jobs to work on. I also want to bring them back because, to me, the members of the Speaker’s Office are the future and will more than likely to be future Speakers, so bringing the Staff will allow me to develop them into having the ability to be future Speakers.

I will also continue to produce high quality digests on a weekly basis to keep citizens informed on the goings-on of the Assembly because I feel it important to allow the electorate to regularly  see what is going on in the Regional Assembly. I will also open a new ‘suggestions’ thread in the Regional Assembly open for any citizens to put forward any ideas that they have to improve the Assembly.

Finally, with Discord masking, I will be looking to introduce an amendment to the RA when I come into office to include an optional Discord username onto the Citizenship Application. This will allow me to stay up to date with the masking for new citizens joining The North Pacific Discord channel.

With everything said, thank you for taking some time to read what I have to say. I welcome any comments or questions about my campaign or anything that I have said and I hope I can count on your support in the upcoming election.
hmm. ok. i think you would be stand a chance this time. but can you please spread it through Forum PMs like Tomb and kasch did during the last general election that would be more effective man. i believe in you !
Mr. Deputy Speaker, if the Discord username is optional, how would this amendment work? With masking in mind, it can sometimes be difficult having the few members of the Speaker's office perform the masking. Since you plan to bring back the staff, would you modify their role in Discord to allow them the same masking ability granted to the deputies and yourself? This is of course assuming the admins would allow for this.

And with the staff in mind, what new jobs did you have in mind? Speaking as a former Speaker myself, and the last one to attempt a staff, tasking non-deputies with Speaker tasks is difficult when most of those tasks can only be granted to deputies. This means you have to be creative or give them very basic, rote tasks, so I'm curious what you have in mind. Where would these individuals come from? Staffing a Speaker's staff was also difficult as I spent my whole term asking for volunteers, and had mixed results not only with how many applies, but the capability of the applicants. It's not an easy job, or a glamorous one, and the few who apply may not stick it out. Do you have recruitment strategies for getting the help you'll need? Even before his absence, Bootsie struggled with finding the talent to bring aboard. We selfishly guard the few who are willing to go through the pain of the Speaker's office precisely because we know almost no one will want to or will be able to do the job :P

Anyway, you were my deputy, you were always reliable and did your tasks well, and if anything you were underutilized by me. I have been pleased to see your progress since I left the office and we can all see just how desperately we needed your talents the last month. You have been a bridge keeping things flowing during an abrupt transition to a new speaker, and I would say you stepped up when you needed to and really rose to the occasion. I supported Bootsie last time, in part because I knew of his previous experience and ability (and you hadn't declared yet :P), but also because I felt you weren't ready and wasn't sure if you could run that office with so little practical experience. I am actually happy to support you this time around, because I feel you put any doubts I had to rest.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, if the Discord username is optional, how would this amendment work? With masking in mind, it can sometimes be difficult having the few members of the Speaker's office perform the masking. Since you plan to bring back the staff, would you modify their role in Discord to allow them the same masking ability granted to the deputies and yourself? This is of course assuming the admins would allow for this.

Thank you for your questions and your support Pallaith:
The amendment would be to add a small section at the bottom of the Application saying username, something like below:

I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of [INSERT YOUR TNP NATION], pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.

Discord Username (if available):
But I would put it to the floor, so people would be able to offer suggestions if they think it could be worded differently. And yes, is the Admin team allow me, I would modify the Speaker's Staffs role on Discord to allow them masking ability of a Deputy because it would allow me to keep up with masking easier.

And with the staff in mind, what new jobs did you have in mind? Speaking as a former Speaker myself, and the last one to attempt a staff, tasking non-deputies with Speaker tasks is difficult when most of those tasks can only be granted to deputies. This means you have to be creative or give them very basic, rote tasks, so I'm curious what you have in mind. Where would these individuals come from? Staffing a Speaker's staff was also difficult as I spent my whole term asking for volunteers, and had mixed results not only with how many applies, but the capability of the applicants. It's not an easy job, or a glamorous one, and the few who apply may not stick it out. Do you have recruitment strategies for getting the help you'll need? Even before his absence, Bootsie struggled with finding the talent to bring aboard. We selfishly guard the few who are willing to go through the pain of the Speaker's office precisely because we know almost no one will want to or will be able to do the job

With getting people to join I currently have three showing interest and I see all three of these to be more than capable to carry out the duties. I would look to recruit two or three more. To do this I will continue advert in the RA Digest. I don't want to be too forthcoming as I only want people to get involved that want to be involved, so my recruitment effort will not be as strong.

In terms of jobs, initially I will be looking to assign them three main jobs and looking to give them more when I find new ones for them. Three jobs will be to help with the creation of the digest, help with the Discord masking and a third to help look at the citizenship applications (but not post) and present to the Speaker or Deputy which ones pass, reducing the time the Speaker or their Deputies spend going through Applications, allowing them to spend more time carrying out other duties.
Thank you for the answers Owenstacey. I have another question for you:

This came up when I was Speaker, what are your thoughts on closing threads when the original poster abandons an idea, or when discussion has stalled for an extended period of time?
Thank you for the answers Owenstacey. I have another question for you:

This came up when I was Speaker, what are your thoughts on closing threads when the original poster abandons an idea, or when discussion has stalled for an extended period of time?

With this, the common stance held by former Speaker's, as you will know, was to close the thread. During Bootsie's absence, I followed and closed the thread. However, if I was elected I would want to look into this more as I know there are some people that want them to stay open.
How long have you been in the Speaker's Office, and how would you say that experience has better prepared you to become Speaker?
Crushing Our Enemies:
How long have you been in the Speaker's Office, and how would you say that experience has better prepared you to become Speaker?

Thank you for your question Crushing Our Enemies. I have been in the Speaker's Office since March. I feel that this experience has prepared me very well to becoming Speaker because of my duties over the last month. For anyone that didn't know, during the last month, the last Speaker has absent from Office and I had to take on all of the duties of the Office on my own without any help. I feel that this experience has better prepared me to become Speaker because it has shown me how the Office is properly run and has shown that I have the ability to run the office and carry out the duties properly.
Hmm, meh ok you get my vote. But recently there has been a slightly larger occurence of laws being delayed and delayed due to inactivity. What do you do to make it a bit quicker so as to not let the bureaucracy become as slow as NASA doing space exploration ?
Malayan Singapuran:
Hmm, meh ok you get my vote. But recently there has been a slightly larger occurence of laws being delayed and delayed due to inactivity. What do you do to make it a bit quicker so as to not let the bureaucracy become as slow as NASA doing space exploration ?

Thanks for your question. In terms of getting laws to go through quicker, there is not really anything I can do at this time.