[Complete][SC] Condemn Wrektopia

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Condemnation
Nominee: Wrektopia
Proposed by: Adytus
Onsite Topic (Not posted by author)

The Security Council,

Noting that The Trash King of Wrektopia is absolutely replete with garbage, and that this irresponsible hoarding of refuse (which has covered each and every square foot of available land within the country) has caused severe and irreversible damage to the nation's natural ecosystem and economy, if not utterly destroyed them altogether.

Acknowledging the Wrektopian nation as being ruled by a self-proclaimed "Trash King.”

Bemoaning the smug, confrontational demeanor of the Wrektopian leader, Curly Eayler, towards this problem, and denouncing his disdain for the well-being of the Wrektopian people, for the health of the nation's environment, and for the repeated requests of neighboring governments to refrain from hoarding detritus.

Observing that the Wrektopian litter crisis has negatively impacted dozens of surrounding nations within Wrektopia's native region of Osiris, including but not limited to Adytus, Jamil Federations, Syberis, Yunoa, North Aurelia, and Weast Jurmany.

Further Noting that the Wrektopian condition was determined to be directly responsible for the extinction of at least 247 unique species of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and flora, including the orange-crested gannet (formerly the national bird of Adytus), the brown-speckled North Kervoskian hamster, the beautiful, big-eyed Altinian raptor, the great Pelicanese walrus seal, the Johnny Cash-faced impala of Weast Jurmany, and, most notably, the birdlike hyena dogfish rabbit, and that Wrektopia's rubbish-related endeavors have brought more than 500 other species close to extinction.

Recognizing that the Wrektopian government's reaction to an international conference attempting to address this situation, as well as to sanctions levied against it, is simply to send crassly-worded telegrams and taped recordings of indiscernible screeching to the conference member governments, and to continue to senselessly produce, ascertain, and stockpile waste.

Further Recognizing that within the last month large rafts of festering offal mixed with sewage have begun to float against the current with an almost animal-like sense of direction out of Wrektopian bays and into the shorelines of its neighbors, and

Believing this to be a new stage in the development of the Wrektopian menace that could pose a more long-distance threat to its neighbors and even to the world.

Determining the trash-filled condition of Wrektopia to be a deplorable affront to the environment and a blatant and deliberate disrespect of its neighbors, and

Fearing the outcome of this situation if it is not firmly addressed on an international scale.

Hereby Condemns The Trash King of Wrektopia.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

While we understand the grievances of the nations of Osiris that have been affected by Wrektopia's pollution problem, the World Census does not even place Wrektopia in the bottom 1% in Eco-friendliness in the world or even the bottom 5% in the region. Wrektopia is certainly filthy, but it's not the worst place in the world or even its region when it comes to the build-up of refuse, and dirtier nations exist that are more deserving of condemnation for their refusal to clean up.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against this resolution.
Against. I've never seen a nation get commended / condemned for in-game stats before, and I'd rather not see it started. God knows those crazy GA people don't need to add their crazy to that of the SC. The SC is crazy enough already.

Also, no on-site topic, and WAD approval spam, both of which I generally disapprove of.
Against. Commendations / Condemnations should never be based on in-game stats, but on the effect a nation/region has on another nation/region. Otherwise, we will have a wave of these just for ingame stats that don't affect any other nation/region
Despite in-game stats being used as a secondary supporting argument in past resolutions (Fudgetopia, Wysteria, SkyDip, Luna Amore, Bears Armed, Forest, Yggdrasil), they shouldn't be used as the only basis for a condemnation like this resolution tries to do.

Can't vote, but no. No draft, and solely uses NS stats. Frankly, I'd consider it a joke resolution.
Against. Very funny, but in the spirit of maintaining the international credibility of the Security Council, I find myself obliged to vote against.
When did Gameplayers get exclusive use of the SC? It's available to all aspects of all nations. If someone comes up with a Commendation for best ConLang or Tank Design and convinces people to vote for it, more power to them!
While I still don't agree with statistics derived from answering issues that are notably extreme in their impact being justification for a condemnation, it seems as though resolutions like this have the blessing of the game moderators. We may start seeing more of this.
Sil Dorsett:
When did Gameplayers get exclusive use of the SC? It's available to all aspects of all nations. If someone comes up with a Commendation for best ConLang or Tank Design and convinces people to vote for it, more power to them!
While I still don't agree with statistics derived from answering issues that are notably extreme in their impact, it seems as though resolutions like this have the blessing of the game moderators. We may start seeing more of this.
Of course roleplayers can do these too. I just believe the burden in that case is greater, to make sure it is very well done. They should be few and far between to get this kind of recognition, I believe most voters in SC resolutions believe the same. If you look you will see some fine examples in past years.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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