Vote ended, election results pending
2570 USCR Presidential Elections
John Henry Forseman
Federalist - Yakima
John Henry Forseman has served in the USCR military for 25 years, earning a distinguished service medal during the Basin War as well as two purple hearts. Following the war he served as commander of Fort Bridger and as military adviser to President de Souza during his term. He has since retired to his ranch in Yakima, though still provides his experience and expertise to the government when needed.
John believes that what makes a strong nation is how it treats those who are not as well off. He believes in taking care of the elderly, disabled, veterans, and orphans, and that it is the responsibility of the state to provide for the downtrodden. He is strongly against the practice of indentured servitude and promises to do everything in his power to end the practice within the USCR.
Slogan: Together we can accomplish greatness.
Kurtis J Steinbacher
Unionist - Bonneville
Kurtis Steinbacher is a well known figure in his home state of Bonneville. He has been instrumental in lobbying for the protection of workers rights and workplace safety. He served as the head of the Railroad Union for 17 years and in that time brought rail-worker deaths down by 37% while tripling wages in the same time frame. He most recently served as governor of his home state for the last two years but believes he can do more good as president.
Kurtis wants to increase industry through fair labor practices and a lower tax burden on the working class. He believes that workers should be provided training and advancement opportunities in their field, and that those who can work should. He supports the expansion of railways throughout the USCR and believes that the future of the nation will depend on foreign and domestic trade.
Slogan: Working for a common goal.
Lincoln Warren
Constitutionalist - Arcadia
Lincoln Warren has been a practicioner of law for nearly thirty years, his expertise has been in constitutional law. He has been active in the adminstrations of the previous two presidents. He headed the committee of senators in drafting the first ten amendments, facilitating an easier ratification of the nations new constitution and easing tensions between the parties.
Lincoln believes that though the ratification of the constitution was his parties greatest triumph, that the job is not done. He believes that the USCR should continue to expand its legal code and rely less on pre-War laws and regulations, so that the Republic can stand of its own accord. He strongly believes in a fair and well shaped legal system that can protect the rights of all Cascadian citizens.
Slogan: Standing on our own.