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Foreign Update: May 2017
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor
His Majesty's Civil Executive Government
Prime Minister: Mary Elizabeth Lancaster
Deputy Prime Minister: Wescott Meles Rahl
Home Secretary: Owen Bonaparte
Foreign Secretary: Astra Rahl
Culture Secretary: Nyx Lancaster
Attorney General: Edward Windsor
WA Delegate: Wesstmoorland
Court of Session
Lord President: JJ NorfolkSenator of the College of Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Senator of the College of Justice: Cornelius Talleyrand
25th Imperial Parliament
The House Of LordsHis Britannic Highness, The Prince Royal
His Royal Highness, The Prince of England
His Royal Highness, The Prince of Normandy
His Grace, The Duke of Suffolk
Her Ladyship, The Marchioness of Donegall
His Lordship, The Baron Mountbatten of Kensington
His Lordship, The Baron Stuart of Fife
His Lordship, The Baron Bonaparte 'de Falaise
The House Of Commons
Andrew D. Fominov (RTP) of Northern England
Festavo Vasentius (Ind) of The Midlands
Kade W. Vasentius (RTP) of Scotland
Arthur Mountbatten (PAX) of Wales
Mary Elizabeth-Lancaster (RTP) of Northern Ireland
Edward Windsor (CON) of Ireland
Owen Bonaparte (PAX) of France
Peter Lancaster (Ind) of The HRE
In the Kingdom of Great Britain we paused in reflection of the lives lost to the Manchester Terrorist Attacks. We sent our thoughts and prayers to the loved ones of those who lost their lives to a monstrous ideology of hate and intolerance. We deplored the attacks on free expression and young feminism that the terrorist hoped would shake the children of Britain's confidence to grow into confident young adults. We in the KoGB believe that the British people and the people of Manchester are stronger than these weak cowards. The Manc spirit will not be crushed by acts of terror, the British people are strong and resilient, we have been through acts of terror before and we will in all likelihood see them again, but nothing will change that indomitable spirit of British people. The spirit that fought against powers seemingly stronger and better equipped; The spirit that fought for right over might even when they had to fight on their own; The spirit that the Spanish Armada, Napoleon and Hitler all withered in response to; The spirit that cried "once more onto the breach, dear friends, once more"; The spirit that exists only here in these collection of Atlantic isles, bound by a common creed and an intertwined destiny that compel us all to declare, as Churchill did on the 8th May, 1945 "Advance, Britannia! Long live the cause of freedom! God save the King!"
In lighter news, this last month in KoGB, we've seen Major Changes (mind the pun) in our Royal Marines. We welcome a new Deputy Commandant and a brand new Commandant-General. Owen Bonaparte has been appointed to the rank of Deputy Commandant and Astra Rahl has been promoted, by His Royal Highness Field Marshal Victor Lancaster to the rank of Commandant-General. Astra Rahl has a storied history in the armies of NationStates being a Field Commander in The West Pacific Armed Forces. The two militaries have since started a joint military counsel and will work closely with each other in the future lead by our new Commandant-General.
Recently we've seen the closing of another Parliamentary Session, and the end of Prime Minister Mary Lancaster's term. Under Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Lancaster, we've passed laws and amendments that have changed The Kingdom of Great Britain for the better. During Prime Minister Mary Lancaster’s term, the King was required to attend to issues elsewhere and a Regency was declared for the period of the King's absence. The Prince of Wales and his wife the Prime Minister made quite the power couple ruling the Kingdom of Great Britain in the King’s name.
But we have moved to a new Government and a new Prime Minister after the recent June election with two relatively new parties both running an equal number of candidates for the positions with the United Nationalist Alliance gaining a majority under newly appointed Prime Minister Owen Bonaparte. The political parties that are now fill the partisan arena are the Royal Traditionalist Party and the United Nationalist Alliance. We’ve recently seen a wave a political parties bite the dust, the parties that have ceased to exist are Pax Britannica and The Conservative Party, whereas our own United Centrifical Party was merged with RTP earlier this Parliamentary Session.

June 4th was His Majesty King George VI's Birthday. We thank our King for his continued support, in gameplay and out of it. He is a true friend, a kind man and a wonderful King. Without his support and constant encouragement, this Region would not be as progressive and friendly as it currently is. We thank you, My Friend, for being you. And we wish you a very happy birthday, with many happy returns.

This Update has been brought to you by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.