The Geno-Ninhund war

It was 9th of June 2017. In the small, city of Krishgorodh in the Genovican Hesseti, which is a part of the Genovican Federal Union, things are going south and badly. The Ninhundish navy continuously attacking the city by bombarding the military bases in it, continuously non-stop. The military garrisons in the city have a really had time not being blasted to shreds by the Ninhundish navy forces. They set themselves in some caves at the mountains near the city's borders and are trying to plan an atack at the opposing forces. "Meiren ërt eshpet!" (We are doomed!) Some of the terrefied soldiers shout inside the caves extremely fearing for their lives. While the 650+ other military personel, was rather subtle and not like the terrefied privates shouting their lungs out. Colonel Bertera Hushtukov got extremely angry and slapped the privates, getting them out of their terrefied state, and rather behave themselves and be good soldiers rather than scaredy cats.
"This is a threat to our national security and our former colonial relations!" says Foreign Relations Minister Gödrich Eiselberg. "As stated by the treaty signed in 1982 the Ninhundish Government still has full rights to enter the country despite not being the legit government of the nation. Blocking Ninhundish Government Personels just because the Genovican Government wants to is breaking their own constitution and treaty of independence."

"If the soldiers want to stop being terrified then they should put all their weapons down and let us through since we are supposed to be attending a meeting." says Lt. Daglaus Strauss.
After hours of planning and psychological preaperdness. The soldiers get their AK-12s, AK-200s, M-4s and Galilis. They all get their helmets, kevlar vests and their equipement and comms, equipment. The Lt.General Krekeri Jershva Urtensi makes divides lots of soldiers in small squads with up to 8 units. The squads are made of, 2 machine gunners (Mostly M249s), 6 riflemen (The dudes with the Aks, Galilis and M-4s), 1 CPT. and 1 Officer. The small defending "army" gets in different vehicles such as transport trucks, jeeps, anti-infantry vehicles along with some tanks such as M1A2s and ZTZ-99s. They move forward but not directly in the city as they stay at it's borders hiding and waiting for the enemy silently for them in the forest of Kershtegov. The denfeding forces wait for them patiently and ready to get some more recorded kill for the Ga-Kyrtlerarmt.
After flying for over 8 hours the 12 Ninhundish HEAS Saeqeh Planes finnally land in the interior part of the country in a rural valley right by an old air bases that hadn't been in use since 1982, the year of Genovican Independence.

"I knew about this base since my father along with many other fighter piolets were stationed here during the end of the Cold War." says Fighter Pilot Bränt Kleiter. "Our objective is to get to the capital and get their government to give a reasonable explanation why they want to start closing off the nation.
The mission to repel the Nin tangos from Krishgorodh was a draw, the land forces made a pretty good defense but were being bombarded by the Naval destroyers. The airforce helped a lot by wrecking the destroyers and the other ships but were also destroyed by the Anti-air defenses they had, the thing that made it a draw and not a Ninhundish victory was the swift and expertely done cooperation with done by the ariforce and the land forces in the city. Which made the enemy navy retreat away because of the high amounts of damage done while the Genos had to go away to regroup with the rest and to get to the nearest military base...which was far from there. Now, at the Kaizer's office a.k.a the state's leaders office. There was a small meeting happening between the kaizer and the defense minister along with highly respected generals and field marshals to plan a defense plan until the tables turn and the Genos become hunters. "Gentlemen, and ladies." Says Kaizer: Refgjet Pëllumbi "Today, the leaders of the GA-Voorterërmt and GA-Kyrtlerëmt gather in this day to plan the repeling of the Ninhundish barbarians coming to invade our glorious nation today. As some of you might know, 8 hours earlier this day we had a battle in Krishgorodh, Hesseti which resulted in a draw. With both sides utterly damaged as lots of men and women, and SS lost their lives fighting for the freedom of our people from those...Democratic DOGS! Which dare and insult our prosperity in this fine lands. We have to eliminate those bastards as soon as possible! Even if it takes us a whole millienia to accomplish that goal! " Some seconds of absolute silence emerge and Field Marshal Herberta Hushtukov says "S-sir, may i have premission to speak?" she asks with a soft voice and the Kaizer does a hand sign giving her premission and says to her "Yes, Hushtukov, you have kaizer's premission to speak." He said and then the woman relaxes a bit and says "I have an idea on how to get rid of the Ninhudish forces violating our lands." she says and the kaizer responds by saying "Ok, go on." "So, i was thinking about a blockade done in the sorrounding seas of our nation.. I suggest we send some destroyers and cruisers to block their ways to our land by sea, but, by air i suggest we set some FOBs to the sorrounding sea levels around, lets say, 369 km away from our shores and they will never touch our lands. While, about defending the land, we send patrols around the nation, especially at the borders and shores and the small Porterijh island so they do not put FOBs in there." The other generals looks at her a bit surprised and the Kaizer responds "Hmmmmm, i don't know, that, m'am would be a bit costly to our treasury but, i hope your plan works. So, is there any opposition against Hushtukov's plan gentlemen?" he says and the other generals and field marshals start whispering to eachother and 1 of them gets up. He was Siltikus Irterino Kerhrer and says "Sir, i say this and this thing only. Hushtukov, as crazy as you are i hope your plan of defense will work and i wish you and your soldiers, the best of luck there can be!" he said and then he sat on his chair. The kaizer says loudly with a bit of a sigh in the beggining "Herberta Hushtukov, you have my allowance to execute your plan and do your best at defending our waters and air-space. As for the meeting, it's over, we'll meet again at 19th of june 2017, hour 0830. Now, goodbye." He said and everyone got up getting their documents, laptops, cellphones and stuff ready and left after a few short minutes.