Issue XIII: Planning


A rocket has landed. A dog is inside.
TNP Nation
Issue XIII: Planning

Article [c] Author [c] Category [c] Order
[c]Discord Analysis[c] Scorch[c]Miscellaneous[c]?

[c]The Spotlight: Interview with Darcania[c]abc + Darcania[c]Interview[c]?

[c]Regional Assembly Highlights[c]Owenstacey[c]Legislative News[c]?

[c]Manumission Day[c]?[c]Cultural[c]?

[c]North Pacific Army Bulletin[c]Iraelia[c]Military News[c]?

[c]Communications/TNL Over the Years[c]Kasch[c]History[c]?

[c]Monthly Memoirs[c]Kasch + ?[c]?[c]?

[c]Roleplay Reel[c]?[c]Roleplay[c]?

The Discord Analysis article would cover the recent trend of Discord use and a comparison between TNP's use of Discord and other regions' use of Discord. If you aren't involved with many other regions but you are still interested in writing the article, you can ask around to get information to use in the article. If you have any questions about the articles, don't hesitate to ask. Also feel free to suggest any more articles, please post below.

Date [c] Task [c]
5th June- 15th June[c]Article assignment[c]

15th June- 24th June[c]Article writing & first drafts[c]

24th June - 26th June[c]Initial editing and continued writing[c]

27th June- 30th June[c]Final Editing
I have a few ideas for articles that could be written by myself or some others if they wish. The ones in bold I have decided to claim.
  • [*]Communications/TNL Over the Years - A historical article detailing the development and change of the Communications Ministry since it was created and the various names it has come under. Alternatively, a similarly structured article could focus solely on The Northern Lights instead of Communications as a whole. This one might be more realistic and completable.

    [*]Monthly Memoirs - An article dedicated to garnering recounts and memoirs from nations of all ages from their experiences in the North Pacific. Each month will have a theme (Events/Holidays for example), and the nations will be contacted for their experiences by the writer of the article and whoever wishes to help with it. I wouldn't set a maximum to the number of recounts per article, but I would set a healthy minimum of around 4.

  • Roleplay Reel - A collaboration of roleplayers willings to summarise the happenings in Eras for that month. It would be useful to create a timeline of events so that the chronological structure of the article is proper by the end of the month. This is just a suggestion, but I think it'd encourage more nations not only to join the forums by to get more involved with roleplay as well.
I'll update this list if I get anymore ideas later on.