[GA] Repeal: "Stock Exchanges And Foreign Investment" [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Repeal
Target: GA #401
Proposed by: Uan aa Boa
Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #401 "Stock Exchanges and Foreign investment" (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Assembly,

Affirms that when it passes resolutions on economic matters these should be based on sound understanding and theory.

Believes that in view of the potentially devastating consequences of market bubbles it is irresponsible to encourage governments or corporations to borrow beyond their means.

Makes the following observations on trade in securities and currencies.
a) Governments and corporations can raise capital by issuing bonds. In doing so, they undertake to repay the capital, plus interest, in the future. The amount of capital that can be raised in this way is determined by the market's assessment of the risk of default.
b) Corporations can raise capital through the issue of stocks. In doing so they confer part ownership of the company on the purchasers of the stocks and undertake to pay them a part of their future profits. The amount of capital that can be raised in this way depends on the market's assessment of the likely value of these future payments.
c) The interconnection of stock exchanges can sometimes allow a crisis in one nation to damage market confidence, and hence the value of securities, in other nations.
d) A foreign power owning enough of a government's bonds can, by selling them all at once, force down their value and thereby harm that nation's economy by reducing the government's ability to raise capital.
e) Currency trading is fundamentally different. While the purchaser of shares or bonds buys the right to receive payments in the future, the purchaser of currency receives their purchase immediately. Currency trading is therefore not concerned with investment in the same way.

The Assembly therefore

1. Notes that in the light of (a) and (b) GA #401's claim that "foreign investment provides a way for corporations and governments to raise more funds than may have been previously available to them" is false. The amount of capital a government or corporation can safely raise is determined by its economic status. The WA cannot increase this economic status by means of legislation. Attempting to increase the amount of capital that can be raised through securities without regard for the limits imposed by the free market is dangerous to the economy.

2. Takes the view that because of (c) and (d) a government deciding whether or not to permit foreign investment must consider risks as well as potential benefits, making a uniform recommendation to all WA members inappropriate.

3. Is perplexed, in view of (e), by GA #401's inclusion of provisions for currency exchanges since these have no relevance to the investment that GA #401 claims to be about.

4. Regards a new committee regulating all currency exchanges in member nations as inefficient and problematic, since many nations will already have had regulations against bias and rate fixing. It was unjustified to infringe their sovereignty because of a lack of regulation in other nations.

5. Concludes that GA #401 fails to achieve its stated objective, impedes the proper operation of markets and exhibits a lack of economic understanding that reflects poorly on the Assembly.

6. Repeals GA #401 "Stock Exchanges and Foreign Investment".

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

(Author: Tadovan)

This repeal was founded on faulty logic. In regards to the stock market, the repeal states "it is irresponsible to encourage governments or corporations to borrow beyond their means." However, issuing stock is not the same, as it is done to raise money, not borrow.

With its observations, letter (b) is false because a corporation does not have to give part of their future profits to shareholders. If a corporation has a bad year, they can refrain from providing a dividend. In letter (c), interconnected stock exchanges can provide greater capital for corporations seeking it. Letter (e) is also false, considering that many investors are involved with currency trading to take advantage of fluctuating currency exchange rates. Parts (a) and (d) assume that the original resolution affects bonds when it only affects STOCK markets and currency trading.

Therefore, all the observations made in this repeal are false.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote AGAINST the repeal.
The proposal is entirely wrongly premised.

Access to capital is not purely determined by the market's risk assessment. You also need to consider the side of the lender (or bond holder, or shareholder, etc). Overseas investors may be willing to invest on more favourable terms to the borrower, for a number of reasons (easier access to cash, exposure to lower-corrrlated risk, etc). You can't just claim that the market values things at one price, everyone's required rate of return will be the same, etc. That would just fail you an intro finance subject (as well as likely econ too).

Currency is an investment. Putting aside all derivatives on currencies (futures, swaps, options etc) that do not involve immediate delivery, just as delivery is immediate doesn't mean it's not an investment. That's possibly the most laughable claim ever made in a WA proposal.

I haven't even looked at GA#401. But repeal authors should probably make sure they know what they're talking about.

Anyone else have an opinion? Not giving me much to work with here, and this resolution kind of sucks.

GA 401 doesn't regulate any markets right now with 1 notable exception - Currency trading is regulated to prevent artificial manipulation

This provision does affect international affairs, so I believe the WA should cover it - and currency manipulation is generally considered a bad thing that could destabilize the global economy.

As for the provision that states that stock exchanges must be open to all WA nations, that wording states recommends, not must or requires or the like. Therefore, I do not find that section to be binding.

Overall, GA 401 doesn't really do much, other than the one thing I mentioned, once you shift through all the text, and it is my recommendation that we keep that law in place.
For what it's worth, we did unanimously vote against the original for being effectively useless. The previous recommendation was this:

The only mandatory part of this resolution is in clauses 3 and 4 where it creates the International Securities and Exchange Commission and tasks it to regulate currency exchanges to prevent artificial manipulation of currency values and exchange rates. However, the resolution gives no specifics on how currency manipulation would be stopped. The content of clause 2 is merely a recommendation for common sense actions that can and likely would be done without the need for specific WA regulation.

I'll think about it some more when I'm back home.
Repeals are forever. We may have hated the original but it has to be repealed the right way. I am unmoved by the fact we opposed the original because this solution is just as problematic.

This repeal doesn't address the main issue of the original. Noting that 1. is untrue, as it is not just based on economic status but a range of effects like government and the types of companies.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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