Disclaimer: This event, in its entirety, is sponsored by the TNP Ministry of Culture. This content is cross-posted from the RMB, where the main event will take place. Feel free to participate here as well. Please endorse Pallaith and unendorse Plembobria.
~The curtain rises...~
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen and those who identify with neither! Welcome, humans and aliens and everything in between! Welcome, welcome, welcome to the fabulous, fantabulous, one-and-only live-action, audience-participation-encouraged Manumission Day reenactment!
Enter our villain, stage left - the charming, the ruthless, the slightly-unhinged Pixiedance! Played for you tonight by the talented Plembobria, our first act depicts the terrible tyranny our brave, beleaguered region faced under Pixiedance's ruthless reign. Controlled at various times by Cathyy, Insane Power, and Gracius Maximus, Pixiedance attempted to install herself and her cronies as the ultimate eeeeeevil overlords.
Meet the cronies, the fearsome friends, now entering stage right! Poltsamaa, Pletorium, DeutscheDR, and Ahimsan Carthage - portrayed, respectively, by Guslantis, Lands_of_Anarchy, Goyanes, and Zemnaya_Svoboda! Loyal to Pixiedance, or perhaps to the power she wielded, these four stayed by her side until the bitter end.
Working together, the vexatious villains did their utmost to squash the democratic spirit that united the natives of The North Pacific. They banned! They convicted! They hid posts and suppressed speech! Meanwhile, the underground heroes - many of whom, I am sure, will distinguish themselves tonight - stood strong in the face of such tyranny. They wrote battle songs! They satirized their foes! They elected a government and hung onto their home!
And who shall play the mighty heroes, you ask? Why, there is no need to cast them, for they are among us still!
~Lights flare, illuminating the audience~
Behold, your heroes: the people of TNP, who rallied their forces so many years ago and fought back with courage and tenacity, to protect and defend their home from threat. It is your task, tonight, to once again confront the destruction that faces us all, and stop it in its tracks!
For freedom, once tasted, cannot be so easily forgotten...
With possible special guest appearances by:
- Flemingovia (as self)
- Great_Bights_Mum (as self)
- Novare_Res (as self)
- Democatic_Donkeys (as Democratic Donkeys)
- And others!