It is with the utmost regards, honour and joy that I assume the position of Vice Delegate of the North Pacific, this brilliant region! I give my thanks to those who supported my candidacy and my platform throughout the entire election, and those of you who showed your trust in way of a vote in my favour. I'd also like to thank those who challenged, questioned and took my platform apart, piece by piece, to ensure that they knew exactly what I intended and put across. It is one of, if not the most, incredible experiences in all of the time I have spent in this region and on NationStates.
From the beginning of the election, I knew I had a chance. I knew I wasn't as politically incapable as I had convinced of myself before. I knew I could be the next Vice Delegate. I guess that vision caught the eyes of controversy as soon I decided to run with someone else. I was initially worried about how much doubt came from it, but I eventually came to terms with both sides of the argument. Different people have different reasons and views, so we must move forward, and forward only.
The one thing I know that I can do is keep going. I have always kept and maintained a high work ethic in every position I have held in this region, so I intend to do the same. I appreciate every single opportunity I have been provided because of this community, and to think all of this came from a seemingly normal political simulation browser game, it is beyond me. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know everyone in this region and on the forums, and this is something I always intend to do.
My ideas, objectives, thoughts and plans can be found on my platform, so if you have questions regarding that, then you can view it here.
Please post any questions in the Vice Delegate's Desk Thread, everything else is welcome on this thread.
Thank you!