[GA] Regulation of Tobacco Advertising [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Yep, it's a resubmission... I'll annotate the changes.

Category: Recreational Drugs
Area of Effect: Outlaw
Proposed by: Yodle
Onsite Topic

Recognizing the damaging long term health effects that all forms of tobacco use can have on the body, including, but not limited to, cancers in almost all parts of the body, respiratory disorders and complications, cardiovascular disorders and complications, lower life expectancy and a wide range of other harmful effects;

Acknowledging that many individuals who suffer health effects from tobacco use may not be aware of the health risks, or may simply be too addicted to the nicotine inside the tobacco product to stop;

Concerned by the severe lack of legislation regarding this pressing matter;

Believing that this is both a global and national health issue, given the widespread use and availability of cigarettes and other tobacco products in almost every nation.


Defines "Tobacco Products", as any product made or derived from tobacco that is intended for consumption, including any component, or part of a tobacco product. This includes, among other products, cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, and smokeless tobacco. Nicotine extracted from tobacco plants (or related species) falls under this definition, unless it can be shown that the health and addictive effects commonly caused by tobacco products are not also caused by the isolated nicotine extract.

Mandates that WA Members task their appropriate regulatory bodies to require tobacco companies to put warning labels on all tobacco products sold in the nation which inform consumers of potential health and addiction risks.

Further Mandates that WA Member nations provide health services to citizens who are suffering from the health effects of long-term tobacco usage, as well as vulnerable citizens who are currently addicted to the nicotine in tobacco products.

Requires that WA Members task their appropriate regulatory bodies to guarantee that all future tobacco products claiming to be safe for consumers undergo rigorous testing proving the claim before they can go on the market with that advertising. If proven to be a safe alternative to current tobacco products, the product can qualify for a health/addiction risk labeling waiver. Tobacco companies may retroactively appeal for a health/addiction risk labeling waiver for tobacco product(s) that were in existence prior to the passage of this resolution, but only if it can be proven that no harm to consumers is caused by the tobacco product(s).

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
-Only nicotine falls under the expanded "tobacco or related species" definition of "Tobacco Products"
-"Tobacco companies" is not defined in any way. Presumably the author would intend the definition to be as extensive as for tobacco products, i.e. if it is associated with tobacco in any way it is a tobacco company--but that's left completely open. So who does the Mandate regulate?

This bill does two things: (1) puts warning labels on tobacco products and (2) regulates advertising "a safe alternative" to tobacco. I would prefer if there were some fact finding commission so the warnings required in (1) had some standardization. That I could get behind. I still loath part (2).

A strong Against. I want to see this killed. Though the author has won me over to their side and I would be glad to see mandate (1) become law. But through more thoughtful legislation, of course.
My issue with point two is that the regulation regarding "safe for consumers" only applies to the defined "tobacco products," which does not include things like vaping. And I have yet to see a tobacco product that is considered "safe." I personally think the Requires statement is completely ineffective given the nature of tobacco, but maybe others can correct me.

"This resolution is well-meaning but leaves some dangerous loopholes. It tasks nations' "appropriate regulatory bodies" in labeling all tobacco products with warnings, but rather than enforcing that a government guarantees the existence of such a regulatory body, it leaves open the ability for a government to claim not to have any governing body." ~MoWAA Reccomendation from the previous iteration.

Still Hasn't be addressed
I don't think the above point is really a well-made one. Such 'creative compliance' would run counter to the object of the resolution, and wouldn't actually be within its ambit.

The 'tobacco companies' issue can similarly be resolved by just giving the resolution its correct interpretation.

The proposal says "Mandates that WA Members task their appropriate regulatory bodies to require tobacco companies to put warning labels on all tobacco products sold in the nation." Obviously 'tobacco companies' is to be understood in light of the requirement to label 'tobacco products' as referring to the producer (as opposed to the distributor/retailer etc).

You're demanding a higher level of rigour than RL legislatures exercise in passing legislation. :P

I'd vote in favour of this, even if it doesn't go as far as I'd like it to.
Against. Basically RoT, but with a couple of changes that make no difference whatsoever to my opinion.
Against. This is something nations on their own should handle without interference from the WA.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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