Delegates' Day Date Bill


I propose the following bill:

Section 10.2 of the Legal Code is amended to read:

Section 10.2: Holidays
7. The first of January shall be known as Remembrance Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to remember those players who have left the region and the game of NationStates.
8. The twenty-sixth of April shall be Flag Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the adoption of the Flag of The North Pacific.
9. The twenty-sixth of May shall be Manumission Day, and shall commemorate the end of the delegacy of Pixiedance, and celebrate the return of a democratic government to the region.
10. The seventh of July, the day the constitution was ratified, shall be known as Democracy Day, and shall commemorate the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Legal Code of the North Pacific.
11. The twenty-eighth of July shall be Liberation Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the overthrow of Great Bight and return of a native government to the region.
12. The ninth of September shall be Delegates' Day, and will acknowledge the hard work of Delegates past and present and celebrate their great contributions to the region.
13. The thirteenth of November shall be Creation Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the establishment of NationStates; and provide an opportunity to extend fellowship throughout the NationStates communities.
14. The twenty-third of November shall be Founders' Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the establishment of the first official forum of The North Pacific, and through it the community which has kept The North Pacific as the preeminent region in NationStates.

I have done two things. First, I have standardized the word to "NationStates", and not "Nationstates" - as the game is indeed called. Second, as one might have predicted, I have changed the date of Delegates' Day.

The date was chosen basically randomly. It was originally proposed as McMasterdonia Day, and suggested for May 11th, as that was the day McMasterdonia left office. The name was then changed to Delegates' Day in order to honor all our prior delegates, not just one, with the date kept the same. Grosseschnauzer pointed out that we already have 2 holidays in May, with nothing between July and November, and Abacathea agreed that moving it made sense. He picked June, as we had no holidays in June, and kept the date of the 11th as one he was personally partial to.

This has resulted in a bit of a cluster of holidays - May 26th, then June 11th, then July 7th, then July 28th - with nothing before it since January and nothing after until November. It has also likely made it hard to give the holidays their due consideration, as that's a lot of planning and eventing in a short period of time. People get burned out.

September 9th, on the other hand, works on both fronts. It spaces things out more, giving some breathing room between Manumission Day and Democracy Day, and adding something in between Liberation Day and Creation Day. It also is a highly meaningful date: It is the date of the first transfer of power under the first popularly ratified constitution (in 2004). This document was drafted under Magicality, but could not be put into effect as she disappeared and we entered the Great Bight and UPS Rail tyrannies. Thel D'Ran was the delegate under which the constitution actually came into force, and Sydia was the first delegate elected under a constitution of any sort. Prior to that, it was run as a sort of unwritten gentleman's agreement.

I welcome your comments. I don't expect this to be a highly controversial bill, but I suppose you never know... :P
I collaborated with SillyString in finding an appropriate date to move Delegates Day to, and here is the original source for 9/9 as the date of the first constitutionally-overseen transfer of delegacy: http://z8.invisionfree.invalid/The_North_Pacific/index.php?showtopic=1654&view=findpost&p=1289021

Thel D'Ran:
Pixiedance............Thel DRan.........22 OCT 2004
Sydia.................Wilkshire.........09 SEP 2004
Thel DRan.............Wilkshire.........29 JUL 2004
Better Times............................27 JUL 2004
Great Bight.............................03 JUL 2004
UPS Rail................................18 JUN 2004
Magicality..............................23 APR 2004
Blackshear..............................17 APR 2004
The Twoslit Experiment..................16 APR 2004
Wilkshire...............................16 FEB 2004
As I understand it, and old-timers can contradict me if their memory conflicts with the account I've put together, the original constitution was drafted in 2004 under Blackshear and Magicality's delegacies, but Magicality disappeared and the Great Bight coup happened. When the coup was broken, Better Times turned the delegacy over to Thel, and then the first constitutional delegacy transfer occurred on Sept 9, when Sydia gained the seat.
Oops, sorry, didn't really notice this.

No objection to the holiday being moved.

However, is September 9th the best day? It's right at the beginning of the voting period for the General Election. I feel as though that may distract nations from the holiday. Is there another potential date for the holiday (not that good with TNP history), March looks like a good time for a regional holiday... As well the distribution of holidays per term doesn't change with this bill (why I like March).
Welp, seeing no objections (or comments of any kind) I move this to vote.

I second.

Legislative proposals don't require a second.

This Bill is now in formal debate. Formal debate will conclude in five days, after which a vote will be scheduled.
Oops, sorry, didn't really notice this.

No objection to the holiday being moved.

However, is September 9th the best day? It's right at the beginning of the voting period for the General Election. I feel as though that may distract nations from the holiday. Is there another potential date for the holiday (not that good with TNP history), March looks like a good time for a regional holiday... As well the distribution of holidays per term doesn't change with this bill (why I like March).

I actually think I like the fact that it will occur during a delegacy election. It's kind of poetic, in a way. :P
Oops, sorry, didn't really notice this.

No objection to the holiday being moved.

However, is September 9th the best day? It's right at the beginning of the voting period for the General Election. I feel as though that may distract nations from the holiday. Is there another potential date for the holiday (not that good with TNP history), March looks like a good time for a regional holiday... As well the distribution of holidays per term doesn't change with this bill (why I like March).

I actually think I like the fact that it will occur during a delegacy election. It's kind of poetic, in a way. :P
Good poetry? Yes. Good event scheduling? Not so much. :P

I'm not too opposed it it since it happens to be a Minister of Culture who is focusing on holidays proposing it. And the holiday falls during your term. :P

If it doesn't work out, we can always change the date again.
Yeah, if we have to.

Fwiw, I don't think the event I have planned is likely to be interfered with by the election obviously because we won't have any more elections by then muahahahaha - I don't want to say too much now and ruin the surprise, but it'll be rather inventive. I hope.
Can I request Formal Debate be shortened? There doesn't seem to be much controversy over this. Might as well get it out of the way. :)
Can I request Formal Debate be shortened? There doesn't seem to be much controversy over this. Might as well get it out of the way. :)
I support the request.
After speaking to Bootsie we have decided to accept it.

Formal debate is now concluded. A vote on the proposal is scheduled to begin in three days (24.05.2017).
As a note, I am fine with the Speaker's Office delaying a vote on this bill so that the other two can go to vote more quickly - they are a tad more important.
Due to not being able to hold more than two legislative votes at a time, and because of the author's request, this vote has been delayed in favor of another bill.

I will update this thread when the new vote is scheduled.