[GA] Repeal: “World Assembly Central Medicinal Database Compact” [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Repeal
Target: GA #400
Proposed by: Helaw
Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #400 “World Assembly Central Medicinal Database Compact” (Category: Health; Area of Effect: Research) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

Commending the principles outlined and adhered to by the target resolution,

Concerned by the restrictive definition of the term 'medicinal knowledge' as it omits specific medical cases, which in turn means that niche knowledge in regards to rare medical occurrences (i.e, only present in a single case and not fully understood) cannot be accounted for within the WACMD database,

Bamboozled by technological research being discounted in the definition of 'medicinal knowledge', as this prevents innumerable medical technologies and biomedical advances from being archived by the WACMD (many of which are integral to having a full understanding of modern medicinal science),

Confounded by the term 'medicinal knowledge' being defined by the resolution, as the active clauses instead use the separate and undefined term 'medical knowledge', with this inconsistency allowing member nations to interpret many clauses as they desire,

Noting that the medical applications of technologies developed during the creation of biological weapons in the world's history would be discarded simply due to their initial place of origin,

Puzzled by the fact that the proposal both allows access to the WACMD database by 'all' - an ambiguous term - and exclusively to WA member nations; a notable contradiction that, depending on interpretation, may allow for dangerous and potentially malicious misuse of the database by non-member nations,

Appalled by the fact that the WACMD database exists solely online, restricting access to member nations that possess digital networks,

Displeased with the waste of World Assembly funds that the target resolution ultimately represents, as other resolutions such as GA #103, GA #78, and GA #31 already perform most - if not all - of the important functions that the target resolution details,

Bemused by the failure of the resolution to specify any form of curation in regards to submitted medical data, giving rise to potentially misleading information being added to the database,

Believing that the resolution is not fit to legislate in regards to the restriction and regulation of private medical research nor per-nation medical legislation and policy, and that it overstretches its focus by attempting to do so,

Hereby repeals GA #400, 'World Assembly Central Medicinal Database Compact'.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

The World Assembly Central Medicinal Database Compact contained two major defects that require the resolution to be repealed in order to fix. First, a contradiction between two clauses leaves it ambiguous as to whether non-WA nations have access to the database. Secondly, GA #400 defined "medicinal knowledge" but then used the term "medical knowledge" in the body of the resolution, completely defeating the purpose of the definition and leaving the definition of "medical knowledge" up to individual interpretations by member states.

Moreover, the information included in the database is already aggregated and available to member nations via the Universal Library Coalition (GA #78).

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
The Greensteadian Government is "For" this bill. This nation supports the General Assembly Resolution #400 "World Assembly Central Medicinal Database Compact." It's in our best interest to improve health across the region!

[bgcolor=#090]SD:[/bgcolor] Recorded as Against, since this is in support of the original bill that is being repealed right now.
The Greensteadian Government is "For" this bill. This nation supports the General Assembly Resolution #400 “World Assembly Central Medicinal Database Compact. It's in our best interest to improve health across the region!
But this bill is getting rid of that resolution.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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