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Owenstacey for Speaker of the Regional Assembly - May 2017
Hello and welcome to everyone taking time to reading this. I’m Owenstacey and I am standing for Speaker of the Regional Assembly (or just Speaker as it will be later referred to as). I have been playing Nationstates since August 2016 and have been actively involved in the off-site since last September and the legislative branch of Government has always interested me.
As some of you will know I am currently serving as Deputy speaker under Pallaith, a role that I have held for the past two months. I feel that this proves that I am very capable of the step up and running the Regional Assembly. As with my predecessors my main focus for this term, should I be elected, will be to maintain the activity and improve the efficiency of the Speaker’s office, with the help of two Deputies and potentially a third.
Along with this I will be retaining the Speaker's staff that was created by the current Speaker Pallaith. Along with keeping the current staff, I will be looking to recruit a couple of people to help me and the deputies carry out our jobs in the most efficient way possible. As well as this, I will be training the staff to be able to competently carry out the work of the Speaker’s office because I firmly believe that these people will be the future Speaker’s in the years to come. As well as all of this, they will be assisting me in catching up on the discord masking that has slipped by in recent time.
I will also continue to produce high quality digests on a weekly basis to keep citizens informed on the goings-on of the Assembly because I feel it important to allow the electorate to see what is going on regularly. I will also open a new ‘suggestions’ thread in the Regional Assembly open for any citizens to put forward any ideas that they have to improve the Assembly.
Finally, with the Discord making, as previously mentioning, I will look to put forward legislation to the assembly to propose adding discord username in their citizens application. I will be a voluntary thing in the application because not all people use discord, so it would be unfair to not let them in for not using something that is not necessary to them being in the region.
With everything said, I welcome any comment or questions about my campaign or anything that I have said and I hope I can count on your support in the upcoming election.