
The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps
Representing our great region abroad
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
I am delighted to announce the introduction of a reinvigorated Mentor Program.
Serving as an ambassador is already one of the great ways to learn the ropes of gameplay, and now we're making it even better. The mentor will be there to help you with any questions that you may have, and be there as a guiding hand for you.
The North Pacific is lucky enough to count itself amongst the few regions that have enough active and willing ambassadors that we can afford to have such a program.
The way the program will be structured is that both the mentee and the mentor will be assigned to the region. It is intended that the mentor will generally allow the mentee to perform the functions of the ambassador, and step-in where needed to help.
This program can only succeed with a healthy number of people willing to serve as mentors. We are looking for Corps members who have served as ambassadors for a while, and feel confident in helping another member and dealing with more complex situations should they arise.
First-time ambassadors will automatically be assigned to the program, unless they request otherwise. If you are already an ambassador, and would like to participate as a mentee, just let us know by applying!
If you would like to be either a mentee or a mentor, please fill-in this application, and lodge it either by posting in this thread or PMing it to the Minister:
[b]Are you currently assigned as ambassadors to any regions?[/b]
[b]Are you applying to be a mentor or mentee?[/b]
[b]If mentor, what ambassadorial experience do you have?[/b]