[Complete][SC: No Vote or IFV] Commend The North Pacific

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
[border=#ee4a2d,1,solid] The Ministry of WA Affairs will not be holding a vote on this resolution. Plembobria is abstaining and no IFV will be issued. [/border]

[border=#ee4a2d,1,solid] Any questions, please contact Sil Dorsett via Forum PM or Discord [/border]

Category: Commendation
Nominee: The North Pacific
Proposed by: Tinhampton
Onsite Topic


BELIEVING that the largest of the world's five feeders, the North Pacific (TNP), is a shining example to the world, especially in the art of combining freedom with security;

NOTING that, after the various coups d'état it suffered in its early years – inflicted by the likes of Great Bight, Pixiedance, The Crimson Order, Shoeless Joe and Durkadurkiranistan I & II (many of which are cited by past Security Council resolutions*) – TNP have endeavored after each liberation to recover and prevent future coups in a manner consistent with its democratic heritage, such as:

The creation of a Bill of Rights which recognises national sovereignty;

A regional constitution, which has changed over the years but which has consistently ensured that TNP remains a free, democratic and open region;

Upholding the rule of law and the supremacy of the legislature;

Establishing a Security Council of trusted and influential residents (responsible to TNP and its constitution) which oversee the region's security and respond to threats as they arise;

A contemporary endorsement trading scheme which encourages (rather than discourages) endorsement trading between WA nations; ultimately aiding in TNP's retention of newcomers and its overall regional security, in addition to the average nation in TNP amassing 16 endorsements;

*: See SC#33, 34, 49, 63, 129, 168, and 169.

REALISING that TNP's delegate endorsement counts are double that of regular contemporary counts for feeders, currently standing at over 1,250 (one catalyst of which may have been a mass campaign to endorse then-delegate HMS Unicorn at the end of 2014; momentum which once saw an 85% delegate endorsement rate amongst TNP's WA nations, as well as a rise in endorsements from 490 to over 600);

NOTICING that TNP is now home to many Commended nations (or puppets thereof), including: Astarial, Flemingovia, Mcmasterdonia, Renaissancistic People, Eluvatar, Mousebumples, Evil Wolf, and Sanctaria;

OBSERVING that TNP is unusual in having a voluntary, official regional religion: Flemingovianism, which requires its observants to worship the nation of Flemingovia as a god;

PRAISING TNP's efforts to keep its resident nations up to date with regional events, through the many dispatches (including regional census results and WA vote recommendations) put out by The Northern Light, and formerly by the North Pacific Wire; and

REMEMBERING how the North Pacific Army (NPA) have helped their Feeder and Sinker allies in times of crisis:

April 2015: During the occupation of Lazarus by the New Lazarene Order (backed by the Pacific), the NPA provided material and tactical support for the Lazarene Underground State;

Summer 2013: TNP opposed the rogue delegacy of The Dourian Embassy in Osiris, and the subsequent Gatesville occupation; and

April 2013: The NPA supplied key military aid to its allies, the Coalition of the South Pacific, in its fight against the South Pacific People's Republic (SPPR). Thus, the Security Council:

HEREBY COMMENDS the North Pacific.

Will be recorded in my minister's digest as a 0 For, 0 Against, 2 Abstain result.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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