Nickname(s)?: BSR, Rob, etc (anything's fine really)
Main Nation?: Andromedian (TNP: Achaemenid Persians)
RL Country?: United States :/
Favourite Colour(s)?: Cerulean, Maroon, specific greens.
Do you use Discord?: Nein
Political Ideology?: Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: My ideal is Nordic social democracy, but if beggars can't be choosers I'd settle for anything with good per capita GDP and income equality, provided the state isn't too tyrannical
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: When time permits, certainly!
Main Nation?: Andromedian (TNP: Achaemenid Persians)
RL Country?: United States :/
Favourite Colour(s)?: Cerulean, Maroon, specific greens.
Do you use Discord?: Nein
Political Ideology?: Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: My ideal is Nordic social democracy, but if beggars can't be choosers I'd settle for anything with good per capita GDP and income equality, provided the state isn't too tyrannical

Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: When time permits, certainly!