JayDee I


TNP Nation
Hi I'm JayDee. If you haven't figured out from the topic description, I was enticed to come here by Plemb. He didn't exactly say anything, he sorta just annoyed me to the point where I decided to check this place out. I'm currently a Senator in Europeia and a citizen of the Kingdom of Great Britain (one of them) and Founder of Merciam. I look forward to both learning about this region and bringing in whatever experience I have.
1.) Plembobria is a guy :P

2.) Welcome to TNP, JayDee! It's great to have you with us! If you have any questions about TNP, just let me know, and I'd be more than happy to help ya.
A small inquiry, what is the wait time for receiving citizenship here?
You've already passed the Vice Delegate (me) and Administration team checks, and you were cleared by the Speaker's Office a few minutes ago, so legally speaking, you're now a TNP citizen! At this point, you're awaiting masking. I would say just a few more hours, and you should be all set.
Didn't notice this until now. I'll post it here for viewing pleasure

Nickname(s)?: JayDee, JD, and...jd
Main Nation?: Deladara and Sotasky
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Color(s)?: Red
Do you use Discord? Yes
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: American Centrist
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Eh, I participate but not deeply involved