Opening Statement - March 2017


TNP Nation

Hello TNP! I am Goy, your new Minister of Cultural Affairs. I have been handed the small, crying puppy that was this ministry, (It needed parents) and it's now my job to care for it. Well, lets get to business!

Agenda for the rest of the term:

-Plan a Cultural Exchange with Balder to celebrate the ratification of the "Northern Folk" Treaty.
-Encourage new and old members of the TNP community to enter the role-play world.
-Other fun stuff!

I would also like to thank my two predecessors, Syrixia, and Bootisie, they have led me to be the TNP'er I am today.

@ Deputy Ministers Kasch and Darcania, if you wish to remain as a dep. minister, please PM me. In the meantime, we are opening a position for a deputy minister. Please PM me if you are interested.

I wish you the best of luck, Goyanes. I can tell you have more time for this job than I ever could. :D
Under the power vested in me by the Delegate of TNP, I hereby appoint Syrixia to be a Deputy Minister of Culture.