Ministry of Home Affairs -- Beginning of Term Address


Beginning of Term Address:

Office of the Minister of Home Affairs
September 16th, 2016

Hello everyone,

It's good to be back and to be serving as your Minister of Home Affairs once again. I would like to thank out-going Minister Scorch for his service to the Ministry over the past 3 months. Scorch is a champion. I'm proud of him, and I look forward to his full return to the game soon. As you may have noticed, we started out this term with bit of an activity deficit. This is something that I hope to reverse in the coming days. We will be refocusing the ministry and the H.A. Executive Staff back on frequent recruitment and mentoring. As you all know, these two initiatives are essential to our region's activity and overall health, and when we falter in doing them them, our regional activity, population, and productivity will all be directly affected. That is not all, though. Wth the recent merger of the Gameside Affairs Ministry with the Ministry of Home Affairs, we have new (returning in some cases) responsibilities. These include dispatch writing/up-voting, game-side mentoring, and the RMB Guardians program. Simply absorbing and rebranding those responsibilities will not get us anywhere though. We need to work hard to ensure that everyone in Gameside Affairs is transitioned to the Home Affairs Ministry, and we need to ensure that all of the programs handled by the said Ministry are up and running again -- at full capacity. So with that in mind, I am happy to announce our goals for this term:

  • Renew the focus on recruitment and mentoring.
  • Implement the system of rewards currently in place (ex. weekly recognition, ribbons, etc).
  • Set up and hold inter-ministerial recruitment contests.
  • Review the RMB Guardians program and consider changing some aspects of it.
  • Regularly post and upvote in-game dispatches to notify nations of regional happenings.
  • Appoint and train 1-2 deputies to carry out the ministry's functions in the future
scratched out-Completed
Italicized-In Progress

For the remainder of the term, we will have to work twice as hard for two reasons: 1.) we now have twice the workload as a result of the merger, and 2.) we only have about 2 months left into the term. However, with your help and involvement in this Ministry, my friends, I am confident that we are in a comfortable position to meet and complete the tasks ahead of us. In the coming days, I will be making a series of announcements addressing membership changes in the Mentoring team and the RMB Guardians. Be on the lookout for these announcements as there will certainly be some positions that will be up for grabs.

As I close this up, I want to remind you that this region is as good and as powerful as you, the citizenry, allow for it to be. You are the core of this region, and you are the current that moves it forward. So today as you read this, I want you to please make a personal pledge to improve this region, and once you do that, carry it out. Join the Executive Staffs of the ministries of your choice, enlist in the North Pacific Army, explore our role-play department and start role-playing, take part in RMB discussions, and most active and contribute to the region! One person's contributions may seem minuscule, but when the whole citizenry comes together and works towards improving the region...well, the result of this reaction, my friends, is an indisputably great region. So be involved and be active.

Lastly but certainly not least, I would like to announce that I will be reappointing Lord Emmanuel as Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and also joining him as Deputy Ministers of Home Affairs will be Siwale and Xentherida (pending confirmation). Congratulations, guys, I am confident that you will do great!

I look forward to an excellent term!

Thank you,

~ [me], Minister of Home Affairs
I look forward to working with you, Tomb, and all of the Home Affairs executive staff!