CAIN conference Keyword Density Analysis


1st Draft:Feel free to make edits to this article.

Nationstates is a political game and ideologies do have a place in Nationstates politics-though it may not always be acknowledged as such. My hypothesis is that political ideologies can be measured by taking a tally of the buzzwords the political actor chooses to throw around. The words you choose to use matter, and that certain biases can show themselves in the particular kind of language you use. First off we need to set goal posts that do not move based on personal feelings or such… it is logical to identify the core ideal that an ideology espouses..The ones I shall use are taken from Daniel Berk’s Ideology quiz, which I have found to adequately measure 99.6% of respondents who have taken the quiz(around 500 people have taken the quiz). and are Liberty, Equality, Stability.

Buzzwords for Liberty are: Discretion, liberty, liberate, free, freedom, one, choice, enterprise, Conscience, Deregulate, reason, each, option, own, optional, Individual, opportunity, open, any, voluntary, unlimited, unrestrained, person, private, consent, self, independent, freely, Volunteer, Domination(when spoken in negative), dependence(Negative).

Equality=Redistribution, fair, equitable, social, society, expand, equalize, equality, people, fairness, universal, every, community, together, justice, common, sense, sensitive, masses, group, balance activism, all, same, access, distribute, share, shared, Discrimination(negative), differences(negative).

Stability=Experience, the region, leader, leaders, peace, order, law, stability, member, citizen, tradition, heritage, authority, decision, decisive, certain, some, protect, safe, safety, secure, security, insure, establish, fundamental, trust, permit, reliable, Chaos(Negative), Activity(Negative).

Using these keywords all we have to do is read the document and start tallying for all synonyms or derived words of the above. References such as ”I hate equality” will logically be tallied as negative Equality stance..We then subtract negatives from the positives to get overall score. The Ideology of Liberty is Libertarianism or Anarcho-Capitalism when radical; Equality is Democratism and Communism when radical; Stability is Conservativism and Fascism if radical. 2/3 % score is radical threshold-if one prizes a principle over the others to this extent they qualify as an extremist.
The document we shall analyze today is the CAIN treaty and see what kind of bias is hinted at in the document: First the preamble:

We, the undersigned governments; mindful of the impact Nazism has on the community we all share, devoted to combating scientific racism, appalled by the glorification of Nazi Germany, determined to overcome gameplay differences, and committed to making the NationStates community more accessible; do hereby establish and join the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism, herein referred to as "CAIN", and agree to recognize and adhere to this Treaty and the commitments set forth within.

So, by the buzzwords, I have counted there are 6 Equality Keywords and 1 conservative keyword. Let’s sum them up and find proportions 6+1=7 6/7=85.7% Equality bias and 14.3% the Preamble is showing a conservative communist signature-this is likely a response to the Nazi ideology in which hierarchy is seen as the Fundamental order of nature and Society is best organized as a hierarchy of fuhrers. It’s also likely appealing to the Nazi’s natural enemies-the communists. Now this doesn’t mean this a communist document(in fact we will soon see that the author is NOT a communist). So let’s continue to the next section which seems to be pro-stability as it’s setting standards of law and order.

These are the numbers I counted:
+L=1 +E=2 +S=9
-L=0 –E0= -S=1….
.L=1 E=2 S=8 1+2+8=11 so 72.7% Stability

So it scores Fascist... If this score is valid-then we have to assume there was some pandering to a fascist group-Nazis are NOT fascists-the two groups in RL actually nearly went to war with each other over Austria-the main thing about Nazism is it’s virulent anti-communism while Fascists were actually an offshoot of the socialists. In Nationstates the closest equivalent to Fascism is Francoism.
For the rest of the document I am going to do some cursory tallies

The Membership admin section scores as follows:
L=8 E=3 S=22 8+3+22=33
22/33=66.7% Fascist

Functions section
L=5 E=1 S=13 68% Fascist

General Provisions
L=4 E=1 S=8 61.5% stability Hardline Conservative

Now I add up the totals of the above and I get:

Total=L=18 E=13 S=52

Sum the results 18+13+52=83

Find percentage 52/83=62.6% Hardline Conservative..

And at that a Liberal Conservative..this document’s score is similar to Imperialist and Independent Manifestoes when I scored them several years ago(to be exact Liberty=33% Equality=18% Stability=48% Moderate Liberal Conservative: Emperor Onder of LKE had a score of L=22% E=15% S=63% ), so I would have to conclude that the conservatives had a lot of power over the procedural aspects of this document. This alliance of Imperialists/Independents with Communists will probably have a lot of problems as they don’t see eye to eye with each other(Radicals of one ideology will perceive even moderate members of another ideology as their radical counterparts e.g. a communist will perceive a conservative as a fascist and a Fascist will see a moderate Laborist as a communist). The KDA predicts the Communists would most like the preamble but dislike the definitions section -they would probably prefer to replace “region” with “communities” so it’s less overtly statist-and likely include a condemnation of Fascism...Communitarians might also be a little wary about this treaty as Equality is the lowest score in the document(communitarians like to balance Equality and Stability)…Brunhilde was the author so we have to ask: What was Brunhilde’s score using a quiz I designed to measure ideology based on a similar system? Liberal Conservative or Right Libertarian Independent/Imperialist(54% Liberty, 46% Equality, 77% Stability).

From doing a survey of regions with 500 respondents- Lazarus, TCB, and TRR, and TSP tended to be communist or heavily left-leaning…TNP, TEP, TWP all were Communitarian or conservative. The Communist Bloc used to have communitarians but many of them have since left their region and formed regions such as Wintercrest, so TCB is largely dominated by communists at this time. Osiris and the Pacific have a lot of Francoists so Osiris was likely the CAIN member most opposed to adding Fascism to the list of target ideologies. Conservatives also likely were opposed to adding it as they themselves might get labeled as “Fascists”(even though they’re not) by hardline leftists. LKE is likely satisfied with this treaty considering their scores are an almost exact match, Looking at the list of signatories only 3-4 regions are outright communist or had a communist past. Imperialist-Independent-National Sovereigntist-monarchist regions seem to make up the majority(62.5%) of signatories with at least 15 of the 24 signatories(Note I am separating Communist regions from Independent ones). “Democratic” regions made up at least 7.

If I were to predict what will happen and considering the bias of the dominant members of this coalition .some of the more left-leaning regions may de facto leave this coalition at some point in the future-especially as the Nazi’s continue to lose power...many left-leaning and especially Libertarian Socialists will lobby in their home regions to leave this coalition, possibly viewing this as something that increases Imperialists’ power in Nationstates or not “fair” to their own regions-however those regions will likely stay in the coalition as their own establishments will want to keep them in the coalition.