Every Vote Counts

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
February 9, 2017


The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs strives to provide expert analysis and a recommendation for every resolution that comes to a vote. For this telegram, however, I wanted to provide some insight into the results of a vote.

A resolution entitled "Condemn Elite Region of Global Command" was recently at vote and failed in a very close margin, with 8984 votes against it to 8629 for it, a margin of 355 votes.

For those of you not familiar with the way the World Assembly works, the delegate of region has a voting power of 1 plus the number of endorsements they have. Plembobria, our delegate, at the time of this writing, has 1270 endorsements, and thus a voting power of 1271 in the World Assembly.

I bring this up because of an event in another region, The East Pacific. At a recent update cycle, twelve hours before voting on this resolution closed, Aelitia became the in-game World Assembly Delegate once again. Todd McCloud, who was the in-game delegate at the time voting on this resolution started, voted for the resolution, and had a voting power of about 350 votes. Because of the delegacy change, Todd's voting power was reduced to 1, while Aelitia's voting power was increased. The problem though was that Aelitia hadn't voted on the resolution, thus the "for" side lost about 350 votes.

Aelitia didn't vote on the resolution before voting closed. At the time voting closed, Aelitia had 356 endorsements, for a voting power of 357. If Aelitia had voted for the resolution, the "for" side would have won by two votes. This also means that the "against" side was only two votes away from making sure Aelitia couldn't flip the result in favor of the resolution. It was that close!

The point I am trying to make is this: EVERY VOTE COUNTS.

If you aren't a World Assembly member, please consider joining. See our World Assembly Development Program dispatch for more information about the World Assembly here: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=338371

If you are a World Assembly member, make sure to endorse our delegate and vote. Let your voice be heard. Who knows, next time you could be that one vote that makes a difference.

Sil Dorsett
Minister of World Assembly Affairs
Looks great! If I wasn't already a WA member, I would definitely consider joining after reading that.
Now drafting the telegram that will actually go out to every nation in The North Pacific:

Greetings %NATION%,

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs strives to provide expert analysis and a recommendation for every resolution that comes to a vote. For this telegram, however, I wanted to provide some insight into the results of a vote.

About two weeks ago, there was a Security Council resolution entitled "Condemn Elite Region of Global Command" that failed in a very close margin, with 8984 votes against it to 8629 for it, a margin of 355 votes.

The fact that this vote was very close should point out to everyone that EVERY VOTE COUNTS.
  • If you aren't a World Assembly member, please consider joining. See our World Assembly Development Program dispatch for more information about the World Assembly here: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=338371
  • If you are a World Assembly member, make sure to endorse our delegate and vote on these resolutions!
Why am I imploring you to join the World Assembly, or make sure to vote and endorse if you already are a member? I'll explain, because the vote was actually closer than the 355 votes indicated by the result.

For those of you not familiar with the way the World Assembly works, the delegate of region has a voting power of 1 plus the number of endorsements they have. Plembobria, our delegate, at the time of this writing, has 1270 endorsements, and thus a voting power of 1271 in the World Assembly.

I bring this up because of an event in another region, The East Pacific. With twelve hours to go before voting on this resolution closed, Aelitia became the in-game World Assembly Delegate once again. Todd McCloud, who was the in-game delegate at the time voting on this resolution started, voted for the resolution, and had a voting power of about 350 votes. Because of the delegacy change, Todd's voting power was reduced to 1, while Aelitia's voting power was increased. The problem though was that Aelitia hadn't voted on the resolution, thus the "for" side lost about 350 votes.

Aelitia didn't vote on the resolution before voting closed. At the time voting closed, Aelitia had 356 endorsements, for a voting power of 357. If Aelitia had voted for the resolution, the "for" side would have won by two votes. This also means that the "against" side was only two votes away from making sure Aelitia couldn't flip the result in favor of the resolution. It was that close, and that is why I'm asking you to be involved!

Let your voice be heard. Join the World Assembly, endorse, and vote! Who knows, next time you could be that one vote that makes a difference.

Sil Dorsett
Minister of World Assembly Affairs

Edit: This has now been sent.
I ought to point out that only one vote counts: the delegate's vote. In TNP the poll we hold is only advisory. #onevotecounts

I only mention this because if this is not made clear you will get some pretty narked people the next time the delegate decides to vote against the tally in TNP.

I would suggest putting a rider into ant TG that is sent out.