Vice Delegate's Weekly Words




Vice Delegate's Weekly Words

January 27, 2017

Hello everyone!

As promised, I will be making weekly addresses to the region every Friday. This will be something that I hope to do throughout this term -- to update the region on what the Vice Delegate and Security Council are up to. First of all, I want to talk about the ongoing Vice Delegate transition. As you all may know, I was elected and sworn in 12 days ago to be your Vice Delegate. When I was elected, I held about 340-345 endorsements. Since then, we have more than doubled my endorsement count, and I am currently standing at 741 endorsements -- 8th highest in the region (and NS world). We did not get here easily, and the transition campaign is still going as strong as ever. However, I wanted to give quick shoutouts to Kasch, Plembobria, and Bootsie. They have all significantly contributed to my transition campaign, and I really appreciate all of your help and support guys. A second shoutout goes to our whole citizenry, both WA and non-WA citizens, for helping me get where I am at through your endorsements, your support on the RMB, and for always being there for our region. Thank you.

I will be talking some more about the VD transition, but for now, I would like to move on and talk about citizenship applications. So far into this term, real life has been easy going, and so thankfully, I have been able to perform the Vice Delegate's security checks on applicants as they apply. I think the most I've had an applicant wait is 12 hours, and I've also had zero lapses in checks this term -- something that the region struggled with last term. Of course, huge thanks goes to the Administration Team and the Speaker's Office who have also been very diligent in the handling of citizenship applications since the beginning of this term. In most cases, applications are fully processed within a few hours, and I'm really happy that we're back on track in that regard.

As you all may know, we have had a citizen (Lord Lore) apply to join the S.C. recently, and while I cannot delve into the specifics of the discussion, I can confirm that the S.C. is actively discussing the applicant, and so definitely expect the vote to occur within the next few days. It is my hope to allow for 7 days of discussion and 5 days of voting for each S.C. applicant. As you know, the Security Council holds potential members to very high standards. This is only expected of the region's most important (and main) in-game security apparatus. With that in mind, if you have aspirations to join the SC, please do not be discouraged. Participate in the region. Join the Executive Staff, the NPA, be active in the Regional Assembly, or run for office, but at all times, do something that you enjoy and that you can contribute to TNP through. If you are interested in joining the S.C., and believe you have the necessary qualifications, go ahead and apply. If you are interested but you would like some advice on how to proceed, please PM me. I would be happy to help you.

Before I wrap this up, I want to go back and talk about the Vice Delegate transition. Guys, while we are seeing solid progress, I still have some way to go before reaching the magic #2 spot. For the time being, our next goal will be for me to reach 800 endorsements, that's about 60 endorsements away from where I am at currently. If you have not endorsed me yet, please go ahead and do so. The quicker we can get to 800, the quicker we can get started on our next milestone. So endorse me if you've not already done so, and please make sure to spread the word.

To wrap this up, I want you to know that I am truly enjoying the opportunity to serve as your Vice Delegate. The job doesn't come without its pressures, but with your help and support, I am confident that we will get a lot accomplished in the months to come.

Thank you everyone.




Vice Delegate's Weekly Words

February 03, 2017

Hello everyone!

Another week, another address. First of all, a quick update on my endorsement situation. As you all may remember, when I made my first weekly address to the region last week, I held about 741 endorsements. A week later, thanks to your efforts and endorsements, I am holding 853 endorsements, the third highest in the whole region (and NS world). As of the time I am writings this, I am 74 endorsements away from ascending into the #2 spot, and if all goes well, I should reach it by the end of next week. This means that this whole transition will have taken less than 30 days to be completed, which is truly impressive. Remember though, 74 endorsements do not come out of thin air, so please if you've not already done so, go ahead and endorse me.

In terms of work this week, I've been processing citizenship security checks as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, I've had a heavier workload this week, and so I was not necessarily able to clear applications within 30 minutes of their posting, like before :P However, I'm still completing the checks within a few hours, and once again, shoutout to the Speaker's Office and the Administration Team for their efforts as well. In other news, the Security Council (SC) finished voting on Lord Lore's SC application. The final tally can be viewed right here.

While I do not want to reveal too much yet, in an effort to increase the endorsement counts of our Security Councillors, we will be dedicating a theme week to each of them. This is all still in planning; however, I just wanted to give you a sneak peak of what the SC is up to, so definitely stay tuned. That's all for now. Remember guys, this region is as successful as you, the citizenry, allow for it to be. So please, be active, participate in our institutions, and have a good time!

Thank you everyone,




Vice Delegate's Weekly Words

February 011, 2017

Hello everyone!

I am officially writing to you this week as your Vice Delegate in-game! On Wednesday, the Vice Delegate transition ended when I surpassed Bootsie and assumed my position as the second most endorsed nation in the region. As of the time I was writing this, I have about 950 endorsements, and I should reach 1,000 by the end of next week. I want to thank Plembobria, Kasch, Bootsie, Mystery Player, Darcania, Yalkan, DD (not really :P ), and everyone else who helped with this transition. With your help guys, we sent out a total of 8 telegram rounds, posted hundreds of RMB messages, and we managed to complete this transition in 25 days. That's a record number for a major in-game transition, and it wouldn't have happened without your work and support. So thank you!

Work-wise, this week has been fairly light. My focus throughout the week was completing the Vice Delegate transition and then establishing a strong enough lead to hold the position in-game. In addition to that, I've been performing security checks on citizenship applications as soon as they come in, and knock on wood, we have had zero applicants get admitted due to a lapse in the Vice Delegate's security checks so far this term.

This coming week I will be working with the Security Council on planning out the theme week projects. It is my hope that we can dedicate a whole week to each Security Councillor where the whole region focuses on endorsing that particular Councillor. To keep this project fun and engaging for the in-game populace, each Security Councillor will pick a theme that will represent them throughout the week. As I said in my campaign, with the Delegate's endorsement count constantly going up and with us having over 1,600 World Assembly nations in the region, it undesirable for us to have our SCers be at the level where some of them are right now. We have four Security Councillors (1/2 of the SC exactly) under 600 endorsements. And so the theme week project allows us to work directly on fixing that by focusing on each security councillor individually, educating the region about each one of them (on a personal level) and their contributions to TNP, and raising each of their endorsement levels. This will require effort from the Security Councillors no doubt, and I will be doing my best to accommodate everybody's RL needs as much as possible while planning this out. This will also require effort from the whole region. But in the end, our efforts will be more than worth it.

So stay tuned for more information!

Thank you everyone,


Well done this week, looking forward to the SC theme weeks and would be happy to help with it in any way.
I'll need all the help I can get, especially with the editing of the WFE to match the SCers' themes.