Office of the Attorney General
Following my decision to abolish the separate Divisions of the Office previously implemented by Gracius Maximus, I hereby implement the structure outlined below.
First off will be the Stand-In Attorney General. This will be the Deputy Attorney General, listed below, who the elected Attorney General designates to take over the Office as the Acting Attorney General, with all of the Attorney General's powers, rights, and responsibilities, in case of an absence or vacancy in the office of Attorney General, in accordance with Article 7, clause 13 of the Constitution and Section 4.2, clauses 7-8 of the Legal Code. This general provision may be partially or entirely overridden at any time by an individual Delegation of Authority by the Attorney General or Acting Attorney General, or by the Sitting Delegate under Section 7.4, clause 23 of the Legal Code.
Secondly, the Deputy Attorneys General. The Stand-In Attorney General listed above must, by the internal policy be above, be selected from this group, and will act as a Deputy Attorney General if the Attorney General is present. The Stand-In also remains a valid Deputy under Section 7.4, clause 23 of the Legal Code.
The Deputy Attorneys General will assist the Attorney General in the execution of any of his or her powers and duties, as established by Article 4, clause 4 of the Constitution. Deputies may be called on to, among other things, manage the prosecution of a case or otherwise assist in prosecuting, file a Request for Review on the Attorney General's behalf, or provide legal advice to the other members of the Executive Branch or otherwise assist in doing so.
Finally, there are the Assistant Attorneys General. Assistants, like the Stand-In above, are Deputies, however, they are in the office for an advisory and assisting role, and will not manage the prosecution of a case or file a Request for Review on the Attorney General's behalf. They are also, by default, considered unavailable by Section 7.4, clause 23 of the Legal Code, though Assistants may override this and declare themselves available if they wish. If they maintain multiple Executive official positions, they may potentially still be considered available under Section 7.4, clause 24 of the Legal Code.
As a note for future Attorneys General, Gracius Maximus's structure of the Office may be found here. It may be restored at any point if you so wish.