[DRAFT] Northern Cup 2017 Comes to an End


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation
32 competitors, one winner and another successful year for the Northern Cup. The tournament officially began on August the 7th, 2016. It ran for 164 days, this included the Signups, the Group Stages, Knockouts and the Finals. Last year, only 16 competitors took part, so having double the competitors this year was a massive leap forward. Now, for the results. If anyone hasn't already read my Awards Ceremony dispatch, True Sebland ended up beating my national team in the final, after months of hard work and training. The Kaschovian failure in finals continue, as last tournament, Kaschovia lost out to Northern Scovia. This year was no different, with True Sebland winning 1 - 0.

It is fair to note that this year's tournament was much more successful in terms of coverage, graphical ability, organization, and scheduling. Not only was there much more content for people to enjoy, but there was much more work to do behind-the-scenes. If anyone has ever managed a cup similar to this before, they will know that under the nice dispatches and graphics, is pages and pages of BBCode. Not just normal BBCode, more than the standard boldening, italicizing and underlining. It got to the point where I could no longer bunch together dispatches of leaderboards and tables because I had exceeded the limit for a dispatch in terms of BBCode. I can confidently say that in formatting things like this, I have learned so much more about the more complicated mechanics of NationStates and it's dispatch creation process.

General roleplay takes a massive role in the fictional aspects of The North Pacific, and in its huge reach across our community, comes the opportunity for more and more sports themed roleplay. I am a heavily sports themed roleplayer myself, so it was only natural that I would be able to work on such a large project. Admittedly, there is not much sports roleplay present in the community, as opposed to political or national roleplay. I have tried to bring the sports themed to the forefront of the roleplaying scene, and I will continue with that effort until sports roleplay

Talking of the Northern Cup I must also mention some of the things I have planned for 2017/2018. I do plan to look for more helpers with it, as I find it very draining to work on the entire thing on my own. I hope to have more spaces open for competitors, and possibly open the tournament up to 48 teams. I will be stripping back on graphical variation, as I find it is far too demanding to conjure new and interesting graphics. Most likely, I'll use more conventional and efficient methods for displaying scores and results. The standard BBcode might be used to make tables for scores and leaderboards.

Along with the Northern Cup, I also have plans to develop even more sports themed roleplaying tournaments and cups. I have ideas for a tennis series and a Formula 1 style Grand Prix North Pacific version. I will be looking to improve previous attempts/iterations of a Northern Football League, and I hope to work on improving many aspects of The Northern Cup as it is. Although most of this will be forum-side, I will try and bring some of it onto NationStates so a wider variety of nations can participate in, enjoy and help with more of my roleplay projects. I cannot promise any success with the projects mentioned, but I will definitely try to make them happen.

Note: This is my first draft, so I may add more onto this over the next five days, or I may reduce the word count. Please feel free to make any comments or suggestions.