Darcania for Attorney General


official floof
TNP Nation
| Darcania for Attorney General

Hello, citizens of The North Pacific! I am Darcania, currently one of your many Deputy Attorneys General. Though I did not accept my nominations for Attorney General in the first round of voting, now that the separate Election Commissions have separated the different elections to use differing forum accounts, I accepted my nominations for the second round of voting.

Now, honesty time: initially, I was unsure if I wanted to run for Attorney General. Recent events left me burned out, and I know for a fact that at least one other Deputy Attorney General was similarly burned out. However, after seeing multiple nominations for myself, and nominee after nominee decline their nominations, I gave some thought to it and decided to run.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you have.
Great platform. I think you'll do wonderfully. You have my vote, pops. :D
You have correctly pluralized the name of your office. Have a cookie.


Now, to business! I asked these of Lord Emmanuel, so I will also ask them of you.

Are there any issues for which you feel you would not be equipped to prosecute a criminal case?

For anything you did not personally feel equipped to prosecute, would your preference be to appoint a knowledgeable deputy and assign the case to them, or return the case to the complaining citizen to prosecute? Why?

Additionally, is there any particular area of TNP law or governance that you would consider yourself highly informed and knowledgeable on? If so, which one, and how did you come by that expertise?
You have correctly pluralized the name of your office. Have a cookie.


Now, to business! I asked these of Lord Emmanuel, so I will also ask them of you.

Are there any issues for which you feel you would not be equipped to prosecute a criminal case?

For anything you did not personally feel equipped to prosecute, would your preference be to appoint a knowledgeable deputy and assign the case to them, or return the case to the complaining citizen to prosecute? Why?

Additionally, is there any particular area of TNP law or governance that you would consider yourself highly informed and knowledgeable on? If so, which one, and how did you come by that expertise?
I believe that properly knowing how to pluralize the office is the very first thing potential Attorneys General should do, since I'm sure a certain Justice would be upset if the AG used incorrect grammar. :P Thank you for the cookie, though!

With regards to the criminal cases, I currently have no direct experience managing the prosecution of cases. Therefore, I would love to directly research past cases and the current court rules, as well as appoint a knowledgeable Deputy and work with that Deputy to get me up to speed; if the case is a serious one, like treason or a charge against a prominent government official, I would likely have that Deputy manage the case while I follow along closely, and keep in contact with that Deputy during so I may properly understand the process. If the case is less serious, like fraud or conspiracy, it would be reversed: I would manage the prosecution while I have the experienced Deputy help me out, so that I may get hands-on experience. I may even gather a team of Deputies, like Ash, and stage a mock trial, so that I and other Citizens may learn the process of criminal trials.

Of course, that all depends on what Deputies I end up getting. I will certainly seek to actively recruit Deputies should I gain the office; after all, I've gotten quite used to the boatload of Deputies at this point. :)

As for your last question, I'd say the area of the law I'm most knowledgeable on would be the Election laws, simply due to the fact that I've managed several elections at this point and have even tutored others on how to do so.

I hope I've answered your questions to your satisfaction; feel free to ask any more that come to mind!
Well, it would be good to have someone new as AG. It would be nice if you committed to letting some of the other eager nations take part. What is your position on the appointment of deputies that want to learn the job?

Specifically, would you accept Lord Emmanuel as a deputy? I can understand some of the concerns regarding grammar, as you note above, but it is easy for nations that are new to loose excitement if they are overlooked for relatively minor issues such as that. Nations can't learn and improve if they aren't given a chance.
Gracius Maximus:
Well, it would be good to have someone new as AG. It would be nice if you committed to letting some of the other eager nations take part. What is your position on the appointment of deputies that want to learn the job?

Specifically, would you accept Lord Emmanuel as a deputy? I can understand some of the concerns regarding grammar, as you note above, but it is easy for nations that are new to loose excitement if they are overlooked for relatively minor issues such as that. Nations can't learn and improve if they aren't given a chance.
I would be glad to appoint any Deputies who would be dedicated to the job; Goyanes under Ash in particular was entirely new to the realm of TNP law, beyond having run for Justice in the same election that gave Ash the AG position, and was perfectly happy to learn along with other newbies to the office (for example, myself). As I myself am still learning, should anyone wish to join the office and learn along with me they may feel free to contact me if they wish.

Lord Emmanuel I would be glad to appoint, should he wish to be appointed, and I will be sure to reach out to him regarding an appointment (as well as you, actually, since you seem interested in rejoining the office and have a lot of experience, both as a Justice and as an AG). Lord Emmanuel seems quite dedicated and eager to learn, and I would hate to dismiss him as an option simply due to relatively minor issues like that.
Well... it looks like I'll end up winning this election, since I'm the only candidate and nominations can be re-opened only once.

If anyone has any suggestions to me for Deputies, beyond Lord Emmanuel and Gracius Maximus, feel free to let me know. I'd like to at least be more responsive to what voters want, since this voting cycle is essentially, as Altmoras called it in his campaign thread, a coronation at this point.

Edit: If you yourself would like to be a Deputy, you may also feel free to let me know that as well.
I actually have no wish to serve in the AG's Office. There was a lack of experience in the last vote that led me to reconsider, but I retired for a reason.
Gracius Maximus:
I actually have no wish to serve in the AG's Office. There was a lack of experience in the last vote that led me to reconsider, but I retired for a reason.
That makes sense. Sorry for the slight misunderstanding.