[Pulled] Condemn I Got Nukes Back Off

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Condemnation
Nominee: I got nukes back off
Proposed by: New Socialist Saxony
Onsite Topic

43 Days ago in the history of Justice the region i got nukes back off and members of i got nukes back off attempted a shocking event to raid the region of Justice even going so far to create a fake nation called Dragon territory to place in power. However it required members from i got nukes back off which include The Rogue Nation of Talos Prime, and The Armed Republic of The DOVAH Sector. The Colony of Dragon territory was a fake nation used to put in power which now ceases to exist to further the point.

Once in power the colony of Dragon territory with regional effort from i got nukes back off went on to excessively harm and wreck havoc on the stagnant growing region of Justice first by removing the elected WA Delegate The Holy Empire of Holly United from power and ejecting and banning The Holy Empire of Holly United and then attempting to portray the glaringly unjust raid on Kappa Region by updating the fact-book to falsely portray that The Principality of New Socialist Saxony and members of Kappa Region have raided the region of Justice.

Shocked that this was a conspiracy to falsely portray the raid on Kappa Region and attempt to damper relations with other regions including the Union of Saxon Justice.

Dismayed at the fact that this was unnecessarily disruptive for the growth of Justice as the population of Justice has dropped from 17 to 10.

Hereby condemns the region of i got nukes back off for conspiracy and complete attempt to disproportionately severe the region of Justice.

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present. Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
The resolution was pulled by the author.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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