
Vice Delegate's Opening Remarks
Hello everyone,
As I said in the Results Thread, it is truly an honor to be elected as Vice Delegate of this great region. This election has been very hectic, but here we are. I want to thank everyone who voted for and supported me -- thank you guys. To the new citizens who voted for the first time (and the citizenry in general), you are the fuel of TNP's democracy. Just like you lent me your support in this election, I ask that you please give TNP a chance and participate in our community. This place is amazing -- it really is. It houses some of the most amazing people in all of Nationstates, and there's something for everyone here. If you want to go up the ranks of government, go join the Executive Staff and participate in any Ministry of your choice. If you feel ready, apply for a Deputy Minister position within your ministry of choice. If you're into role-play, we have a whole active RP section our forums. If you're looking into some action within the game, then the North Pacific Army (NPA) is for you. No matter what you do, though, your voice matters, and we need you. To those who did not vote for me -- please give me a chance. That's all I ask. This region needs you, too -- I need you, and I want to work with you in the months to come.
This week, in addition to performing the standard VD checks on citizenship applications, I will be familiarizing myself with the Security Council sub-forums, working with the Delegate to advertise the results of the election, and basically work towards raising my endorsement level to be number two in the region. This is no easy task, and so please, if you have a WA nation in TNP, go ahead and endorse me. Every endorsement counts. From now on, I will be releasing weekly reports addressing the region, and these reports will be collectively known as the Vice Delegate's Weekly Words. As I said, I want to be as accessible as possible to the populace, and I want you guys to hold me accountable as much as possible -- that could only happen through direct, open communication with our citizenry.
I am very excited about this term, guys. I look forward to enacting my agenda for this office, and I am also looking forward to working the Delegate and his Government over the months to come. Before I end this address, I want to congratulate Plembobria and Pallaith on getting elected as Delegate and Speaker, respectively. Congratulations, guys, I look forward to working with both of you. To all the other candidates -- keep fighting. Your opportunity and time to shine will come, but please stay active and committed to TNP meanwhile. One more thing, I wanted to thank out-going Vice Delegate Lord Ravenclaw for his service to the region -- not only as Vice Delegate -- but in all of his other capacities since March of 2015. We appreciate you, Raven, and we thank you for your service.