Freedom of Information Request


official floof
TNP Nation
As a registered resident of The North Pacific, I would like to request the release of information pursuant to the following excerpt from the Legal Code:

Section 7.5: Freedom of Information Act:
34. At any time a resident may request the release of any private record from the Government through the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive.
35. The Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive will retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government.

As well, I would base this request on clause 9 of the Bill of Rights:

9. Each Nation in The North Pacific is guaranteed the organization and operation of the governmental authorities of the region on fundamental principles of democracy, accountability, and transparency. No action by the governmental authorities of the region shall deny to any Nation of The North Pacific, due process of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provisions of the Constitution. No governmental authority shall have power to adopt or impose an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder as to any act for purposes of criminal proceedings.

I would like to request the release of all the government records of logs pertaining to Ash, Praetor or both of them since their departure - whether it be general government discussion in Magicality City or TresVille or groups such as Executive Council, Cabinet, Senior Diplomats, RMB Guardians or NPA High Command - yet not limited to those; and discussions with foreign dignitaries, envoys or officials, whether the information is on-site, the off-site forums, Discord or another medium. I would like all of the information regarding Ash and Praetor, including but not limited to their movements, the repercussions of them leaving and their return to The North Pacific.

Thank you for your time.
To my knowledge, the entirety of of discussion was on Discord. The following consists of DM's related to the controversy. I plan to release further logs from the cabinet channels as soon as possible.

Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I have blocked by Ash.
And I suspect Praetor is going to follow suit.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
blocked by Ash?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He wanted to pursue the case against you, but one way or another it wasn't possible once the complaint was withdrawn.
He's essentially said that I am responsible for this.
Kondatrev has always been hinting that I'm responsible for everything.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Ash wanted to pursue the case against me?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
That's odd
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
And he shared every single piece of evidence Syrixia sent on Felis' server over it.
This morning.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
To make you look like a dictator.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Why would ash do that
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
i don't know.
I do know that I have used a lot of political credibility today
and yesterday
over this
I don't know if I have the energy to run a RON campaign against Tomb.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
What is Tomb running for?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Vice Delegate.
I'm sure it'll add nicely to the list of offices he's abandoned when the going got tough.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Omg ash blocked me too
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I was going to force RON and then declare candidacy
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
This is what happens when I don't sit back and let him indict you in the middle of an election.
Given that he told me to start tarting, I suspect that was the plan.
My role isn't to protect the delegate but to protect TNP, the best way to do that was stopping him backing you into a corner with SURPRISE INDICTIMENT TIME.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Who are the candidates for VD?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
What about Ash?
Ash is out?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He moved his nation.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Out of TNP?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
No, not at all.
I also think you should retain Syrixia and put this event between you down to a lesson on better communication.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He's good at his job, he's popular and you'll get a loyal ally because of this(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I don't trust that he isn't blabbing to outside the cabinet
I don't want him in it
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He's learned his lesson, hard.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
This might have something to do with Praetor's resignation as an EC
I'm having doubts about appointing him again <_<
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
as MoFA
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Well I can't say whether those concerns are valid
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I am in a very purgy mood atm
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Is it entirely a terrible idea that I demand what is going on from Praetor?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
You can ask him straight but be prepared for unpleasant responses
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I asked him why he resigned EC
Said he had trouble dealing
He's offline but I said I don't believe him
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I'd threaten his job but he'd probably go public with it
Either way I might not reappoint him anyway
My patience is wearing thin
And I am a rather patient fellow
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Those two were always close, it's been so tiring over the last few days.
He told me himself that if I went to fight Ash, then he'd be opposed to me.
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
And this is where voice chat comes in handy, so I can't have my angry muttering used against me.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Hey it's given me a chance to troll
Nothing puts you in a good mood like trolling
I probably shouldn't though
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He's been taking aim at me for months, dear old Kondratev.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
of course he has
No one is safe
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
That's my influence gone, I'm afraid.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Praetor - Today at 5:56 PM
You'll be needing a new Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Yes, he's gone.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
This is surprising
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He and Ash are incredibly close.
He said "I'm sorry" before he left everything
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He himself has happily fell in step behind the cabinet
Even when he disagreed
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
It's not that
it's because of Ash
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I don't see why he thinks this is so evil of me
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
He doesn't
he's supporting Ash
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Well I'll be looking for a new MoFA
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
aye, and the AG elections have commenced.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Likely candidates?
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I have no idea
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
And they went to the NPO
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Yes, they did.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
It's a dig at us
and it's also one place they know I wouldn't follow
TP loathes us
and me specifically
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Well at this point I don't care where they went
Praetor was a good MoFA too
idk what he thinks he's getting from this
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Well I don't have much sympathy for people who take NS personally
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I'm guilty of it myself. I'm just feeling very tired with everything.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I'm tired of constantly being made to feel like an evil supervillan by Kondatrev
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Well he's harmless
on second thought
He's running for speaker
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
You might want to take all of Praetor's maskings away
In case he tries leaking shit to the NPO
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
You'll have to remove him from the groups as I can't
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I can't remove him from dip corps he's a leader
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I'll remove that status
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Do the same for senior diplomats
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017

Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/02/2017
So Syrixia decided to resign as an EC
Ash - 01/02/2017
That means you'll have to appoint someone else
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/02/2017
Ash - 01/02/2017
I'm sure you'll find someone qualified :wink:
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/02/2017
I already did
Syrixia told me himself
Said it was for "personal reasons"
Ash - 01/02/2017
That sounds like legalese
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/02/2017
So when do we get to ruin him again?
I'm kidding
I'm going to miss syr
But he's litterally corrupt so
January 3, 2017
Ash - 01/03/2017
Continuity with change you can believe in!
I think that works well as a slogan :stuck_out_tongue:
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/03/2017

Ash - 01/03/2017
Yes, he sent that to me too
I think he's asking for penance
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/03/2017
Uh huh
I'm not keeping anyone in my cabinet who undermines me
I don't care how much they mean their apology
Ash - 01/03/2017
Especially in such a way. That's understandable
So this whole episode seems to have blown over
Not without causing a shitstorm in the process, though
I'll handle things on my end and wrap it up
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/03/2017
January 4, 2017
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/04/2017
Why exactly does your delegation of authority say you trust Darc to be an election commissioner?
He isn't one you know
Oh and speaking of darc

Praetor - 01/05/2017
I am resigning from EC.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
And what do you mean by EC
Election commission or executive council
bloody hell
Praetor - 01/05/2017
The former for now.
I'm having trouble dealing.
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Yoo hoo?
I don't believe you
I legitimately do not
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I demand to know what is going on with Ash
Praetor - 01/05/2017
You'll be needing a new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

How do you feel about what's been going on
Ghost - 01/05/2017
utterly perplexed and frustrated
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Ghost - 01/05/2017
I feel powerless to purge myself of those feelings and I don't appreciate being in the dark, because I believe I am missing something that would somehow explain all of this in a way that would make sense(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Oh you weren't told what was going on
Ghost - 01/05/2017
well I was told pretty much what everyone else was(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Raven explained it in VC a few hours ago
Ghost - 01/05/2017
I just don't think that truly explains their behavior
it just seems so out of character(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Well it started with Syr trying to bring charges against me for violating his free speech rights
With Ash
"Violating his free speech" in that I told him I expected him as a cabinet member to support the government's policies
Specifically Kondratev's sentencing bill and CAIN
He brought this to Ash during the election
Ash wanted to publicize it but Raven convinced him not to
Anyway after I informed Syrixia that he will not be in the next term's cabinet, Ash decided to publicize that to the-agora(edited)
While pinging the citizens
And then up and left to the NPO
And Praetor followed
Ghost - 01/05/2017
I heard Syr dropped the complaint anyway
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I guess that kind of upset Ash
Ghost - 01/05/2017
I gathered Ash had some personal investment in this and believed Syr's decision was made in duress(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Apparently Ash was pretty bent on taking me down
IDK why
After making himself out to be my ally
Ghost - 01/05/2017
Ash has never struck me as a blatantly political person, which means he must have had some strong convictions that he had to do this
Raven referred to it as a 'moral investment" I think
from his perspective Ash believed this was wrong and he had to fight it, even when all paths were closed to him
that's what I got out of Raven's statements anyway
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Ghost - 01/05/2017
in a game like's very hard to work with people like that(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Skipping off to the NPO really vindicates his convictions
Ghost - 01/05/2017
well I don't like it but short of a better explanation from them, it looks like a disagreement over the severity of the alleged offense and a poor interpretation of how it was handled...who can say what is in someone's mind, what stuff is going on with them that they just decide enough is enough...maybe that's the missng piece, maybe it has nothing to do with any of us(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
It's still very frustrating
Ghost - 01/05/2017
I thought about this. This conversation with Syr, that could have been around the same time you asked me about the sentencing bill. I distinctly recall my opinion being consulted prior to you expressing your wishes every minister publicly back you up
Maybe because I agreed you never had to "threaten" me, but I never felt like I had no choice. And if we did disagree I think I would have used the fall back that always worked for me, simply say nothing at all. It's not that weird to expect the people you appoint to have your back, and public division is always a huge deal and makes a big mess
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
That's why I like you
Ghost - 01/05/2017
maybe it's because I've been where you've been in a different place
I've had two separate times when major parts of what was basically my cabinet walked on me(edited)
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
How did that happen?
It was quite interesting though

You around at the moment?
To note, this was related to whether you would become election commissioner (honestly, as it would give you access to the private ballots for the general election it is probably best you aren't around). LR and I have began commissioning so it is moot
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
You are commissioning?
Why are you commissioning
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
Speaker, ex officio
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Are you running?
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
Commissioners cannot run in elections they are commissioning
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I shall appoint you
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
U wot?
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Appoint you as an EC
Do you mind?
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
I do not need appointing?
It is ex officio
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Yeah but I'm making it formal
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
You have no power to appoint in relation to special elections
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
This is a special election?
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
The AG one and the Justice one are
Those are the ones I am commissioning :p
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I was confused since Praetor has resigned as an EC too
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
For the love of all that is holy
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
You cannot serve can you?
Zyvet - 01/05/2017
I could but I'm not commissioning three simultaneous elections :stuck_out_tongue:
Patrick Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
It seems like some people really have a stick up their ass regarding the NPO. Weird. Since when did we care where nations chose to move to if they left our community? And since when did that choice indicate that their positions while here were somehow invalid? Odd.
I think one lesson everyone needs to take from this is to be very, very guarded what you say, even in private chat. You never know when the log will appear in a public forum for all to see.

Most of us learned this a long time ago, but it is still an important lesson.
Gladio - 01/05/2017
What Is this whole thing with Ash about ?
Plembobria - 01/05/2017
I'd like to know
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
I'll be blunt, he snapped when he was sent a screenshot by you last night over your conversation with Syrixia.
Plembobria - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Yes, snapped.
Plembobria - 01/05/2017
Why did that make him snap
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
Because he sees Syrixia being punished for what he felt was whistleblowing
Plembobria - 01/05/2017
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
You have no idea how much he wanted to indict you in the middle of the election if not for the fact that Syrixia was an EC originally.
Plembobria - 01/05/2017
But he
Joshua Ravenclaw - 01/05/2017
If he had gotten his way you'd have gotten a surprise come voting.
With no warning.
If it weren't for Bootsie, I am not sure I'd have been able to keep cool long enough to try and bring some dialogue to allow things to be resolved before it got to that.
The PR damage alone from those charges would have decimated us.

Syrixia - 01/05/2017
I was actually quite appalled when Raven told me Ash had posted the photographs publicly.
I thought he was mature enough to keep private matters private, especially when the complainant realized how stupid the complaint was and tabled it.
Syrixia - 01/05/2017
@Joshua Ravenclaw So Goyanes, being a Deputy AG, told me just now he heard about the thingy with Ash
Goyanes - Today at 7:39 PM
he even deleted the AG group DM

And that is the entirety of Cabinet discussion on the matter.