Election Endorsement Bill


official floof
TNP Nation
Election Endorsement Bill:
Section 5.4 of the Legal Code will be amended to remove the following clause:
23. Non-incumbent candidates for Delegate or Vice Delegate may not obtain an endorsement level during the election cycle greater than the level authorized for members of the Security Council under this chapter.
Zyvet noticed in a discussion on Discord that Chapter 5 doesn't seem to directly and clearly specify a maximum level of endorsements for the SC (any maximums are only implied through clause 21 and the Constitution). So I thought I'd just put this on the table.
That restriction already exists on everyone all the time. No need to reiterate that it still applies during elections.

EDIT: To clarify, I am not suggesting that the current clause is any better, just pointing out that a better route would probably be to delete it entirely.
I actually touched this in my suggestion for the Regional Security Law rewrite - I believe I just took it out entirely. So if we adopt that version, this would be extraneous.
All good points. I'll edit the bill to just delete the clause and wait to see if SS's proposed changes to the SC are adopted.
If not, I can always just propose them separately. I HAVE THE POWAH. :P
Adopted as in by the RA, not by Kondratev. :P Nobody should doubt the power of SillyString, who is always right!