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- sil_dorsett
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- sildorsett
Sealed letter (from the thread "Socialist Observations"):
That is a very wise move. It can be too easy to allow greedy politicians to climb the ladder behind your back. As I
write this, I am currently headed to the Leningrad International Aerodrome. I will be enroute to your nation and
will arrive in around seven hours. I look forwards to speaking with your nation shortly.
Long live the left,
The telegram from Alekzander Zarnesti placed Princess Claidie's ministers into a state of panic. The notice of the impending visit from the Supreme Leader of the USSVL gave the Dorsettians little time to prepare an appropriate welcoming. Claidie had a reason of her own to be nervous about the visit, as it would be the first time in her short reign that a foreign leader visited her within the Principality. As the Princess and the ministers gathered in her office to plan the visit, several of the departmental ministers considered the thought of putting together such a event in short time as unfathomable.
Prime Minister Madeline Ellison, however, tried to remain supportive, giving suggestions on how to address the lack of preparation time. "Seven hours isn't enough time. We should buy ourselves some more by making this a multiple day event. We can solve some of the early events and logistical issues now, like quickly issuing diplomatic visas, preparing a hotel room for the Supreme Leader, and at least prepare his arrival. What airport terminal should we clear for his plane, and what flights need to be rerouted? We can take care of those things now and discuss the rest later."
The retained foreign affairs minister Will Bowers was next to express his concerns. "Mi'lady, we must consider the possibility that Mister Zarnesti may not plan on being here that long, but if we're going to clean up the mess Palmer left behind we need to get this right. This event must be worthy of a world leader. Can we have a procession planned out in that amount of time? What about a state banquet? Press conferences? There is much to consider, Your Highness."
Claidie, on the other hand, seeming unusually confident, had a plan. "I don't think Mister Zarnesti would expect such a lavish event on short notice. Let's face it. He's here to defuse tensions that I thought I had already defused in my last letter. Here's what we do. Dress code, business casual. No white tie tuxedos or gowns. He arrives, we give him a red carpet welcome on the tarmac at Norvalle International. A motorcade straight to the palace where we discuss the incident over dinner. Then, a special session with him speaking in front of Parliament, and a press conference. I think we can do that in an evening."
The Princess's staff jumped into action, making phone calls to instruct various government departments and other groups on what needed to be done quickly. The press was notified of the impending conference, with photographers told to assemble at the airport, and journalists at Parliament. Parliament was also instructed to be ready to assemble quickly on demand. The Honor Guard of the Dorsettian Army arrived at Norvalle International Airport and formed their lines, in dress uniforms and with ceremonial swords in hand, on both sides of the long bright red carpet that staffers had rolled out onto the tarmac at Terminal A. Other flights were being redirected to the airport at Chamont, leaving the airspace clear for Zarnesti's plane.
The seven hours of rapid preparation had passed, and the Princess and her two closest ministers took their places on the red carpet, awaiting the arrival of the first foreign leader the Principality had ever hosted since its decades-long isolation.