WA Affairs: Ministry Reports


I apologize for not posting these here sooner, I hadn't even considered doing so. Better late than never I guess.

Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
October 10, 2016

Good evening Mr. Delegate, fellow ministers! Hard to believe it's almost been a month since I started as Minister of World Assembly Affairs, but so it is. I figured now was as good a time as ever to fill you in on what the MoWA has been up to. At the moment the real juicy stuff is still in the hope/plan stage: I hope to accomplish the things that the ministry is planning to do this term. These involve the education of WA voters and fostering some training and workshopping of WA resolutions. At some point I'd like us to get a resolution drafted here in our forum. And of course, WALL. Something's going to happen with that.

The following votes have taken place in the last month:

Liberate Dank memes
Region voted 3-7
Delegate voted Against
MoWA made no recommendation (due to there being no active MoWA)

Commend Benevolent Thomas
Region voted 6-13
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Repeal Condemn DEN
Region voted 8-11-1-1
Delegate voted Against
MoWA was Neutral

Nuclear Weapons Accord
Region voted 2-19
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Liberate Social Liberal Union (ongoing)
Region voted 4-16-1 (as of this posting)
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

The resolutions Liberate Heroes Rise and Liberate Social Liberal Union (the second one) were pulled

The following have joined our noble cause:

Abbey Anumia (appointed Deputy Minister)
Lord Dreyman

The following have moved on to other things:


The following have been dismissed:

Socio Polor01

We're picking up steam as the recommendation telegrams have attracted potential new recruits to the MoWA and we're getting some positive feedback regarding the dissemination of the recommendations. As we start churning these out more regularly, I hope to get regular dispatches up as well, including an index that will also record the previous recommendations similar to the thread here on our forum. I am pleased with the participation so far of the other members of the MoWA executive council, and hope they will continue to hone their skills and take a more active role in our upcoming educational programs. All in all, it's shaping up to be a very productive term with the ministry coming together as it has been.

Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
November 16, 2016

Good evening Mr. Delegate, fellow ministers. We've had a very busy month at the MoWA, the WA has hardly rested what with the constant trolling The Invaders have been doing in the SC. Due to the zombie event, they managed to slip in a successful proposal, but we have proudly helped to prevent the others from getting on the books. Our ministry has continued to grow and I see some promising talent starting to bloom. Thanks to r3n, our recommendations and dispatches are a regular part of every WA vote, and the process has been enhanced and simplified. We can crank these out real quickly and they look great. I am also pleased to see an increase in recommendations written by other members of our ministry, and they have done a fine job. We even have a couple of proposals in the drafting stage in the WALL section of our forum. It's very early, but I hope this is the beginning of consistent, useful feedback that encourages more authors to try out a draft in our forum.

The following votes have taken place in the last month:

Reducing Statelessness
Region voted 9-5
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

Repeal “Quarantine Regulation”
Region voted 10-2
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

National Control of Elections
Region voted 2-15
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Liberate Social Liberal Union
Region voted 5-17-1
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Liberate The NSIA
Region voted 17-2-0-1
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

Condemn the Invaders
Region voted 2-17
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Condemn the Invaders (second)
Region voted 1-16
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Repeal “Liberate the NSIA”
Region voted 21-1
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

Liberate Singapore
Region voted 1-14
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Liberate Singapore (Second)
Removed due to duplication
Region voted 2-4-7
Delegate voted Against
MoWA made no recommendation

Commend Benevolent Thomas
Region voted 1-12-0-1
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

In the interest of time and because they are still unfolding, the pending votes will be included in the next report.

The following have joined our noble cause:

Sil Dorsett
Eyes that do not Lie

The following have moved on to other things:

Nobody left this time! Yay!

The following have been dismissed:

The Norse Peoples
United Regions of Geographic Masses (Mister Masses)

Going forward, we are continuing our effort with WALL. As requested by Plembobria, we are shooting for our recommendations to be a joint effort among the members of WALL, starting with the pending votes. It may take a few votes, but I'm hoping we develop a groove and a rapport that makes future cooperation easier.

Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
December 24, 2016

Good evening Mr. Delegate, fellow ministers. I apologize for the lateness of this report, but given the season I hope you can appreciate it took us some time to get our information together. It was another busy month in terms of the proposals at vote, and this has of course been very good for the ministry's growth. I can proudly say recommendations are a normal part of the voting process and we have not only gotten it down to a science, we have perfected it and made it easier than ever. WALL is coming along quite nicely, its still a work in progress but we've seen some awesome collaboration on drafting and campaigning.

The following votes have taken place in the last month:

Foreign Patent Act
Region voted 1-12
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Rights of the Quarantined
Region voted 2-11
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Compliance Commission
Region voted 5-12
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Securing Nuclear Materials from Dastardly Menaces
Region voted 0-14
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Repeal "Right of Emigration"
Region voted 10-1
Delegate voted For
MoWA had no recommendation

Repeal "Liberate Singapore"
Region voted 13-0
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

Repeal "Liberate Eternal Scholars"
Region voted 8-14
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Liberate Kingdom of Ireland
Region voted 1-15
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Trade of Endangered Organisms, Compliance Commission were pulled.

The following have joined our noble cause:

Argonisi Hub
Tiny Walking Whale

The following have moved on to other things:


The following have been dismissed:


I think this happened too late to be reported last time, but Sil Dorsett became our second deputy minister, and has done a fantastic job. The proudest thing for me has been seeing the deputies take on an increasingly more active role, as well as greater input in general from the ministry with most recommendations being written by someone who isn't me.

Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
January 12, 2017

Good evening Mr. Delegate, fellow ministers. With the election coming to a close in a matter of hours and with it the end of this term, I wanted to get one last report out, to kind of go over what I feel the ministry has accomplished since I started this effort in mid-September. We went from not having any communications go out to regular telegrams and dispatches with every WA vote (save for a few notable exceptions, of course). From the time I started to now, the process has gotten easier and more efficient. We are (mostly) good about getting the vote threads up with advance notice, and we have established real collaboration with our allies in WALL which has laid the groundwork for greater cooperation in drafting WA resolutions (a goal of mine that, unfortunately, didn't really bear much fruit this term). Our work is far from done, and the next term is a great opportunity to build on what we have started. WALL has the potential to be an even stronger collaborative group with allied regions, but it still has untapped potential as an opening for TNP to form its own resolution drafting culture. Our creative RP minds could be part of that effort, paving the way for collaboration between Culture and WA Affairs, or we can just call on some of our esteemed travelers who grace us with their presence and can come to see us as a destination for this work. If not that, I hope this ministry continues to call to other writers and analytical minds who can put those talents to good use evaluating WA resolutions and helping to craft our recommendations and dispatches. I have had the good fortune to have some of these people work with me in the minisry and can happily say that by the time this term ended, they were running this show just as much as I was. I found a few while I was here, and I'm sure we can find some more going forward.

The following votes have taken place in the last month:

Repeal "Securing Nuclear Materials From Dastardly Menaces"
Region voted 15-0
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

Protection of Nuclear Armaments
Region voted 0-11
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Condemn The CAIN
Region voted 1-16-1
Delegate voted Against
MoWA recommended Against

Repeal "Liberate Kingdom of Ireland"
Region voted 13-6
Delegate voted For
MoWA recommended For

The following votes are just finishing up as this report is being published:

Repeal "Nuclear Arms Possession Act"
Region voted 10-4
Delegate voted For
MoWA had no recommendation

Liberate The Arab League
Region voted 15-1
Delegate voted For
MoWA had no recommendation (the region was retaken mid-vote)

The following have joined our noble cause:


The following have moved on to other things:

Everyone seems to have stayed!

The following have been dismissed:

Tiny Walking Whale

It looks like my election as Speaker is imminent, which means this will be my last report (barring some future return to this ministry in another delegate's cabinet, should I be asked to return someday). I really appreciate the opportunity I had to get to know this region better through serving in this capacity and getting hands-on training in government work. It's been fun, it's been crazy, it's been stressful at times, and it kept me on my toes, but I am proud of what we accomplished and believe we're doing the region a real service here. I am glad it is a regular pat of their TNP experience and I hope it will remain so for the foreseeable future. I was happy to help, but happier for all the help I got along the way. Thank you for believing in me, thank you for giving me the tools to do great things huge thanks to all who worked in the MoWA staff, you guys are awesome and some of the most interesting people in TNP. See you around!

Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
February 21, 2017

Good evening, Mr. Delegate and fellow ministers. My apologies for the delay in sending this report. The past month and a week has an incredibly busy one in the Security Council and absolutely dead in the General Assembly. The Security Council at one point had three resolutions queued up, which gave us plenty of time to form solid recommendations and launch our IFV dispatches and telegrams quickly. We even saw a well-deserved commendation for our own r3naissanc3r! We continue to work on our recommendation writing with our WALL allies, and a GA Resolution is currently being drafted by Sciongrad of IDU.

From an administration standpoint, I've appointed Kasch as deputy minister and have been working on getting him up to speed on the duties that Pallaith gave my while I was a deputy. The next step in Kasch's training will be the use of IFV spreadsheet. I am still keeping an eye out for a second deputy, perhaps a newer member of TNP eager to jump right in and help us out.

It's shaping up to be a very productive term, and I look forward to the continuous participation and growth of our team!


World Assembly Proposals

General Assembly

There were no GA resolutions voted on since the last update.

Security Council

Liberate Antalia
Voting Thread: 12-0 against
Recommendation: Against
Delegate's Vote: Against

Condemn Anarchestan
Voting Thread: 13-0 Against
Recommendation: Against
Delegate's Vote: Against

Condemn I got nukes back off
Pulled by Mods
Voting Thread: 7-1 Against
Recommendation: Against
Delegate's Vote: None (pulled)

Commend Renaissanistic People
Voting Thread: 19-0 For
Recommendation: For
Delegate's Vote: For

Condemn The CAIN
Voting Thread: 8-2 Against (1 abstain)
Recommendation: Against
Delegate's Vote: Against

Liberate The Bee Land
Voting Thread: 6-0 Against (1 abstain)
Recommendation: Against
Delegate's Vote: Against

Condemn Elite Region Of Global Command
Voting Thread: 6-0 Against (1 abstain)
Recommendation: Against
Delegate's Vote: Against

Repeal Liberate Eternal Scholars
Voting Thread: 8-2 For (1 abstain)
Recommendation: For
Delegate's Vote: For

Ministry Membership

The following have joined our noble cause:
Edu Villad
Hayoc (still validating)
Mystery Player

The following have moved on to other things:

The following have been dismissed: