Ambassador Halo
The West Pacifican vol 4
Editor-in-Chief, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
The Delegate Discourse
a regular feature of The West Pacifican
By Badger
The West Pacific has proudly joined the Coalition Against the Ideologies of Nazism (CAIN). The Coalition began as a conference hosted by Brunhilde from Europeia. Mediobogdum, Yuno and myself represented our region in the conference. Hundreds of people from dozens of regions came together to form the treaty, which can be found here:
Through Brunhilde’s vision and work the conference quickly came to a consensus that Nazism in NS needs to be stopped. After weeks of public and private discussion, Brunhilde put together many different drafts of the treaty with participants looking over the document to get the treaty right.
As the treaty was being finalized the coalition acted militarily on a Nazi holding, The NSIA. With 84 updaters we took the region. Eventually our Delegate had 172 endorsements. Since then the region has been passworded and locked up! Several other military actions have been successful as well, including a recent liberation of a Nazi holding.
Proudly, TWP was one of the first signatories of the CAIN treaty! As of this moment there are 20 regional signatories with many others working on adopting the treaty via their governmental systems. Furthermore, TWPAF has participated in several CAIN military missions. We are the region the military leaders come to when they need troops!
This treaty is something that will have lasting effects on the NSverse. A large coalition of regions came together to make a statement and I am proud of our efforts.
big bad badger
The West Pacific Armed Forces
By Halo
The path to total fulfillment in Nation States is no longer a secret!
It is no longer necessary to seek out gurus in mountain retreats, pour over ancient tomes of forbidden knowledge or even to call your mother!
The answer is here.
The answer is to join TWPAF,
The West Pacific Armed Forces!!!
Tired of answering issues, debating the finer points of trade regulations or redesigning your flag for the umpteenth time?
TWPAF is for you!
Raid, earn badges and promotions, endear yourself to your peers, leave funny messages about marsupials and chocolate on other regions’ RMBs, and annoy fascists, racists, Nazis and other trolls, while learning to lead and having a blast.
The time commitment is flexible and our beloved Commander and her generals will teach you everything you need to know.
To enjoy this Nirvana of NS life,
Simply go to TWPAF and complete the simple registration.
Fulfillment can be yours
Foreign Affairs
an introduction to the new Minister of FA of TWP
By Davelands
In January of 2016, I found NationStates and was born in The West Pacific. While answering issues, I began to read everything I could about the game and was fascinated with the larger community and all the other areas where people could interact.
I started out slowly by commenting on some threads in the World forums, then I introduced myself to The West Pacific’s RMB. There I found a great group of people who were very much like me; funny, snarky, intelligent, and nice to be around. Although I had looked at other regions, I had found my home in The West Pacific.
To become more involved in my region, I began to look for areas to contribute. One of them was to join The West Pacific Armed Forces.
While working in The West Pacific Armed Forces, I had gotten to know our current Delegate Badger, who was my commander. As we talked, it became apparent that we shared a similar view on the future of the region. Both of us realize that while The West Pacific has a great core group of people and a fantastic culture, we want TWP to become a leader in NationStates both militarily and diplomatically.
Around that time, I was asked to help plan a couple of high profile events for the region; The E-E-TWP Festival, celebrating our regions close ties and what became the Celebrate TWP Festival. It was there that I got a chance to closely interact with people from other regions. It is something I truly enjoy.
In the middle of the planning, Badger was chosen to become the new Delegate and one of the first things he did was to ask me to take over the Foreign Affairs department as Minister. It was a challenge I could not pass up.
Foreign Affairs in The West Pacific had languished for years … not through lack of effort, but it just wasn’t a priority. I am setting about to change that.
The goals are simple:
1.I want to use the Foreign Affairs department to promote The West Pacific’s activities throughout the NationStates world.
2.I want to see our people go out and get to know the people of other regions, participate in other regions’ activities, and bring them to ours.
3.I want to be able to engage the leaders of other regions to discuss common interests and come together over mutually beneficial issues.
The first thing I did was to contact the leaders of all 38 of the regions that we have embassies with, tell them about my new position, make sure that we have embassy areas in their outside forums, and post the latest version of The West Pacifican to start to get the word out.
The second part is more challenging. Finding the right people to be able to go out to those regions and start the process.
Our first search brought in 10 excellent people who I am sure will be a big asset to The West Pacific. I have already assigned a number of them as Ambassadors and given them regions. But there is more work to do and I need more people.
If you have an outgoing personality and want to see the wider NationStates world, the Foreign Affairs department is the place to be! You will get to see different cultures in action, meet a lot of interesting people, and help shape the direction of one of the largest regions in the game.
Telegram me Davelands if you want to make a difference.
Internal Affairs
fun in TWP - an update from our assistant Interior Minister
By Prole
The Tactician Behind The Office
Who exactly are you? I am [nation=short]Prole Confederation[/nation], Doppio Giudici, Vadia, and recently Pentaga Giudici, but I go as Tevo77777 or Warhead77777 off the site. You can call me Timothy though, since that's easier for a lot of people. I'm just a five year long user, who reads an ungodly amount, has a lot of experience with RPing, and knows social studies or economics like the Notorious BIG knows rap. Disclaimer, Timothy doesn't have 1% of the talent BIG had.
What exactly does your office do? My job is to support Paris (The minister of the Interior) in our collective duties of keeping the region active, entertained, and supportive. My methods of achieving this are mostly based upon four actions I commit to on a regular basis… answering questions people have, introducing people to each other, telling jokes that barely make any sense, starting ridiculous RPs, and being the spine of our beautiful D&D community.
How does the D&D go? So far we have three dungeon masters and four teams split among them, one shared canon, and between 12-15 players. The dungeon masters work together as a team to work on the canon and make sure the game runs smoothly, while each DM has control over his/her own parties and shapes the world in his/her own way. I hope that when we start up again in January, the players can really start to shape the world and news of their heroism can spread in world to other teams.
Why "The West Pacific"? The West Pacific is the most friendly region I have ever been in and has supported my actions as much as I have supported them via my actions. The people I work with and work at the command of are people I respect. Our residents are old and young, and we are a diverse community of respect and memes. I can see myself staying in my current position or replacing my boss for a long time, depending on timing and how busy we get; of course.
Editor-in-Chief, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
The Delegate Discourse
a regular feature of The West Pacifican

By Badger
The West Pacific has proudly joined the Coalition Against the Ideologies of Nazism (CAIN). The Coalition began as a conference hosted by Brunhilde from Europeia. Mediobogdum, Yuno and myself represented our region in the conference. Hundreds of people from dozens of regions came together to form the treaty, which can be found here:
Through Brunhilde’s vision and work the conference quickly came to a consensus that Nazism in NS needs to be stopped. After weeks of public and private discussion, Brunhilde put together many different drafts of the treaty with participants looking over the document to get the treaty right.
As the treaty was being finalized the coalition acted militarily on a Nazi holding, The NSIA. With 84 updaters we took the region. Eventually our Delegate had 172 endorsements. Since then the region has been passworded and locked up! Several other military actions have been successful as well, including a recent liberation of a Nazi holding.
Proudly, TWP was one of the first signatories of the CAIN treaty! As of this moment there are 20 regional signatories with many others working on adopting the treaty via their governmental systems. Furthermore, TWPAF has participated in several CAIN military missions. We are the region the military leaders come to when they need troops!
This treaty is something that will have lasting effects on the NSverse. A large coalition of regions came together to make a statement and I am proud of our efforts.
big bad badger
The West Pacific Armed Forces

By Halo
The path to total fulfillment in Nation States is no longer a secret!
It is no longer necessary to seek out gurus in mountain retreats, pour over ancient tomes of forbidden knowledge or even to call your mother!
The answer is here.
The answer is to join TWPAF,
The West Pacific Armed Forces!!!
Tired of answering issues, debating the finer points of trade regulations or redesigning your flag for the umpteenth time?
TWPAF is for you!
Raid, earn badges and promotions, endear yourself to your peers, leave funny messages about marsupials and chocolate on other regions’ RMBs, and annoy fascists, racists, Nazis and other trolls, while learning to lead and having a blast.
The time commitment is flexible and our beloved Commander and her generals will teach you everything you need to know.
To enjoy this Nirvana of NS life,
Simply go to TWPAF and complete the simple registration.
Fulfillment can be yours
Foreign Affairs
an introduction to the new Minister of FA of TWP
By Davelands
In January of 2016, I found NationStates and was born in The West Pacific. While answering issues, I began to read everything I could about the game and was fascinated with the larger community and all the other areas where people could interact.
I started out slowly by commenting on some threads in the World forums, then I introduced myself to The West Pacific’s RMB. There I found a great group of people who were very much like me; funny, snarky, intelligent, and nice to be around. Although I had looked at other regions, I had found my home in The West Pacific.
To become more involved in my region, I began to look for areas to contribute. One of them was to join The West Pacific Armed Forces.
While working in The West Pacific Armed Forces, I had gotten to know our current Delegate Badger, who was my commander. As we talked, it became apparent that we shared a similar view on the future of the region. Both of us realize that while The West Pacific has a great core group of people and a fantastic culture, we want TWP to become a leader in NationStates both militarily and diplomatically.
Around that time, I was asked to help plan a couple of high profile events for the region; The E-E-TWP Festival, celebrating our regions close ties and what became the Celebrate TWP Festival. It was there that I got a chance to closely interact with people from other regions. It is something I truly enjoy.
In the middle of the planning, Badger was chosen to become the new Delegate and one of the first things he did was to ask me to take over the Foreign Affairs department as Minister. It was a challenge I could not pass up.
Foreign Affairs in The West Pacific had languished for years … not through lack of effort, but it just wasn’t a priority. I am setting about to change that.
The goals are simple:
1.I want to use the Foreign Affairs department to promote The West Pacific’s activities throughout the NationStates world.
2.I want to see our people go out and get to know the people of other regions, participate in other regions’ activities, and bring them to ours.
3.I want to be able to engage the leaders of other regions to discuss common interests and come together over mutually beneficial issues.
The first thing I did was to contact the leaders of all 38 of the regions that we have embassies with, tell them about my new position, make sure that we have embassy areas in their outside forums, and post the latest version of The West Pacifican to start to get the word out.
The second part is more challenging. Finding the right people to be able to go out to those regions and start the process.
Our first search brought in 10 excellent people who I am sure will be a big asset to The West Pacific. I have already assigned a number of them as Ambassadors and given them regions. But there is more work to do and I need more people.
If you have an outgoing personality and want to see the wider NationStates world, the Foreign Affairs department is the place to be! You will get to see different cultures in action, meet a lot of interesting people, and help shape the direction of one of the largest regions in the game.
Telegram me Davelands if you want to make a difference.
Internal Affairs
fun in TWP - an update from our assistant Interior Minister
By Prole
The Tactician Behind The Office
Who exactly are you? I am [nation=short]Prole Confederation[/nation], Doppio Giudici, Vadia, and recently Pentaga Giudici, but I go as Tevo77777 or Warhead77777 off the site. You can call me Timothy though, since that's easier for a lot of people. I'm just a five year long user, who reads an ungodly amount, has a lot of experience with RPing, and knows social studies or economics like the Notorious BIG knows rap. Disclaimer, Timothy doesn't have 1% of the talent BIG had.
What exactly does your office do? My job is to support Paris (The minister of the Interior) in our collective duties of keeping the region active, entertained, and supportive. My methods of achieving this are mostly based upon four actions I commit to on a regular basis… answering questions people have, introducing people to each other, telling jokes that barely make any sense, starting ridiculous RPs, and being the spine of our beautiful D&D community.
How does the D&D go? So far we have three dungeon masters and four teams split among them, one shared canon, and between 12-15 players. The dungeon masters work together as a team to work on the canon and make sure the game runs smoothly, while each DM has control over his/her own parties and shapes the world in his/her own way. I hope that when we start up again in January, the players can really start to shape the world and news of their heroism can spread in world to other teams.
Why "The West Pacific"? The West Pacific is the most friendly region I have ever been in and has supported my actions as much as I have supported them via my actions. The people I work with and work at the command of are people I respect. Our residents are old and young, and we are a diverse community of respect and memes. I can see myself staying in my current position or replacing my boss for a long time, depending on timing and how busy we get; of course.