Friendly Matchups


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation
Friendly Matchups
Welcome to the Friendly Matchups thread! I believe a thread like this will serve sports roleplayers everywhere, by simply placing all non-competitive matches in a single place. If you want to challenge another nation to a particular sport, go ahead. Make it clear who you are challenging, what sport you want to play against them and where the match will be played. If the challenged nation agrees to the match, I will then scorinate the event and send the results back. If we get a lot of responses and challenges, I will get some more scorinators to help out.

  • You can challenge whoever you want, but do not force them to agree to it.
  • Obviously, it isn't EVERY single sport, but just the ones that can be scorinated.
  • If your nation is already competing in a sports event for a particular sport, do not use that team against someone else.
  • Whatever results come out of this, I can guarantee it will be done as fairly as possible. Do not doubt or challenge the results.
  • Have fun and be respectful.
  • You can cover the event on this thread however you want, but this thread is not off-topic or discussion.
To begin our friendly matchups, I hereby challenge the Lorbank National Football team to a standard football match at the Kason Royal Stadium. Whenever Lorbank's team arrive in Kason, the match will be started.


The Football Association of Fronkan (FAF) accepts the invitation with pleasure.
There is a traning camp for the player in the Northern part of Lorbank at the moment, but it ends on the 6th January 2017.

The appropriate date for this match is between the 13rd and 20th of January.
The football association requires that the match held in Kaschovia's biggest stadium, the National Stadium.

After this match, between 25th and 30th of January, FAF provides an opportunity to play a re-match in Lorbank's National Stadium in Lisledo.

FAF waits for the Kaschovian Football Association's reply.

The Kaschovian National Football Team feels honoured to play the National Football Team of Lorbank, and the game will be played in the Capital Kerat Stadium, the largest stadium in the country on the 13th of January. The Kaschovian Football Association approves the suggestion of a rematch around the 25th of January.