- TNP Nation
- East Pordan
- Discord
- Will_#0001
Nickname(s)?: Lenin, Wolfy
Main Nation?: The United Socialist States of Vladmir Lenin (Yes, I know I haven't spelt Vladimir correctly)
RL Country?: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Favourite Colour(s)?: Red, gold, black
Do you use IRC?: I may if it comes to it
Do you use Discord?: I do, but I'll probably not here until I get really used to it.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Leeeeffffttttt, very left indeed.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I really enjoy roleplay, setting things up, interacting with other nations etc, I'd love to be able to roleplay with my geographical neighbors
Main Nation?: The United Socialist States of Vladmir Lenin (Yes, I know I haven't spelt Vladimir correctly)
RL Country?: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Favourite Colour(s)?: Red, gold, black
Do you use IRC?: I may if it comes to it
Do you use Discord?: I do, but I'll probably not here until I get really used to it.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Leeeeffffttttt, very left indeed.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I really enjoy roleplay, setting things up, interacting with other nations etc, I'd love to be able to roleplay with my geographical neighbors