Am I doing this right? :D


Yeah, well....Hi.

I'm a guest from TSP due to "A Drop In The Ocean" - an amazing festival btw, I should have been officially engaged in. I thought about it, really, but my dumb mind said at 1 a.m. or so "Nope, you don't do that".
Dunno, why not.....
Anyway, there will be another possibility in the future hopefully.
Nice to meet you all! :)

Oh, you can of course ask me questions, if you want, but one question I'm already taking off of you:
My nation in NS and so in TSP, is GI-Land. If you're taking a look on TSP's map, I'd be located in the north-west.
Anything more?
I don't think so. This post is already long enough for a "Hello", so the last words would be:
If you have questions to me for whatever reason, ask me those, if not, not and greetings from the other region! :)