[At Vote] Repeal Securing Nuclear Materials From Dastardly Menaces [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Repeal
Target: GA#391
Proposed by: Wallenburg
Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #391 "Securing Nuclear Materials from dastardly Menaces" (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

Understanding the need for member states to remain capable of self defense,

Recognizing the right of member states to possess nuclear weapons,

Concerned that GAR#391 fails to adequately address the issue of nuclear arms production,

Recognizing that the text of GAR#391 is entirely identical to that of GAR#351, "Nuclear Materials Safeguards", which was repealed handily for glaring issues that persist in this iteration,

Disappointed that clause four of GAR#391 grants generous funds to aggressive and warlike nations, and that it may encourage them to further develop their nuclear arsenals at the expense of the World Assembly,

Aware that ambiguous references to the "wrong hands" only leave room for subjective and conflicting perspectives on which nations ought to have the right to possess nuclear weapons, contrary to the principle of existing legislation on that subject,

Hereby repeals GAR#391, "Securing Nuclear Materials From Dastardly Menaces".

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present


"Securing Nuclear Materials From Dastardly Menaces" was previously opposed by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, and our position on it has not changed. Although those in support of the resolution believe that the concept of "wrong hands" is implied, this is a dangerous position to take, as it leaves the definition to those in power, no matter what reality demonstrates. Additionally, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, as destructive as nuclear weapons are, cannot be allowed to remain a free-for-all with guarantees from the World Assembly for nations to have unchecked access to the technology. The resolution "Securing Nuclear Materials From Dastardly Menaces" should never have been approved.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs encourages a vote for this resolution.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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