Charter of the IAN

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Charter of the International Association of Nations


In order to facilitate a better world whereby the rule of law and rights of all are respected;

It is proclaimed by all nations that an International Association of Nations is formed of all the nations of Eras.

Article 1
  1. The Purpose of the International Association of Nations is to facilitate the spread of peace and goodwill to all peoples of Eras and to create the conditions whereby dialogue and mediation is used to settle disputes;
  2. It is the further Purpose of the International Association of Nations to ensure the development of nations is conducted in a fair way and in a co-operative manner.
Article 2
  1. Members of the International Association of Nations shall recognise all other members.
  2. Members shall not war on another member without just cause.
  3. Members may bring disputes with another member to the institutions of the International Association of Nations.
  4. Members shall respect the rights of all citizens are granted by local or international law.
  5. Members shall endeavour to conduct trade in an upstanding manner.
Article 3
  1. The International Association of Nations shall consist of an Assembly of Nations and a Council of Nations.
  2. The Assembly of Nations shall consist of the entire membership of the International Association of Nations and shall be the body responsible for drafting and passing legislation within the International Association of Nations.
  3. The Assembly of Nations shall elect the Council of Nations from the membership.
  4. The Council of Nations shall consist of 5 members and rise to a maximum of 13 as the Assembly of Nations deems necessary.
  5. The Council of Nations shall be responsible for setting the agenda of the International Association of Nations and for ensuring compliance of the legislation passed by the Assembly of Nations.
  6. The Assembly of Nations and Council of Nations shall be jointly led by the Secretary-General, who is nominated by the Council of Nations and confirmed by the Assembly of Nations in majority votes.
Article 4
  1. Nations that are not in compliance with the provisions of this agreement and any legislation passed by the Assembly of Nations shall be termed Non-Compliant Members and it shall be the task of the Council of Nations to enter negotiations to ensure compliance.
  2. The Assembly of Members shall decide whether a Member is in compliance of the treaty and legislation by majority vote.
    Non-Compliant Members may be suspended from the Association by a two-thirds vote of the Council.
  3. A suspended member may only be returned to the Association by a majority vote of the Assembly.