Hello from Europe with an update, courtesy of the Foreign Office!
Larger than ever! The government has continued to send out recruitment telegrams at a blistering pace. Over the last few months, over 10 thousand recruitment telegrams have been sent to new players. And those telegrams have certainly played their role. Europe has reached some 857 nations! Not since 2009 has Europe had more than 800 residents, and not since 2005 has Europe had as more than 850 residents!
Poll on a future constitution. Europe is holding a poll on whether we will be creating a Basic Law or constitution. With a vast majority in favour, a constitutional convention is coming up in Europe's future. The convention will convene for a few weeks to produce a working draft once the poll is complete.
New statutory book! Europe has created a book of laws called the Statutes, the compilation of all laws which have been ratified by the people of Europe, the Delegate, and the Founder, thereby making them binding in the eyes of all Europeans. Various footnotes have been added to the document. All texts are kept in their unamended forms, with amendments marked by footnotes. You can see it on our forums here: http://www.europe-game.eu/showthread.php?t=12463&p=337315#post337315
Appointment of a new WA Minister! Europe will soon be appointing a WA minister to help convey our WA policy, decisions, and reasoning to the public. Due to the length between updates, I also do want to note that over six months ago, Europe ratified the World Assembly Accord on Campaign Spam, which has duly been entered into the Statutes.
~ Imperium Anglorum
Delegate for Europe