[DRAFT] Recommendation Securing Nuclear Materials From Dastardly Menaces

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
This resolution was previously known as Nuclear Material Safeguards (GA#351), and was passed in a very close vote only to be overwhelmingly repealed a few months later. The resolution is flawed most notably for a lack of definition for the concept of "the wrong hands", which is subjective in nature and changes depending on which side of a conflict a nation is. The clauses regarding manufacturing and trade also pave the way for the unchecked proliferation of nuclear weapons, even to "the wrong hands" as mentioned before.

Since this new resolution is an exact copy of the previously repealed resolution, the concerns outlined in the repeal resolution (GA#361) remain unaddressed.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs encourages a vote against this resolution.