The resolution currently at vote was the subject of a contentious ruling by the GA Secretariat. At issue here is the use of the name "Compliance Commission", which is the name of the body that regularly sends telegrams to WA member nations. Per Christian Democrats, who dissented from the GA Secretariat decision, "In the same way that the widely accepted theatrical convention against 'breaking the fourth wall' prevents confusion among the audience, the Metagaming Rule is, in part, supposed to prevent confusion among ordinary players."
The author disingenuously claims that this resolution does not create a committee called the Compliance Commission, even though the title of the resolution is "Compliance Commission". In addition, the first action clause states that it "[e]stablishes and empowers the WACC, hereafter referred to as the Compliance Commission...". One can infer that "WACC" is an abbreviation for World Assembly Compliance Commission, the exact same name already used by the WA. We believe this resolution violates the Metagaming Rule, and will confuse casual players.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs encourages a vote against this resolution.
The author disingenuously claims that this resolution does not create a committee called the Compliance Commission, even though the title of the resolution is "Compliance Commission". In addition, the first action clause states that it "[e]stablishes and empowers the WACC, hereafter referred to as the Compliance Commission...". One can infer that "WACC" is an abbreviation for World Assembly Compliance Commission, the exact same name already used by the WA. We believe this resolution violates the Metagaming Rule, and will confuse casual players.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs encourages a vote against this resolution.