HA Project - TG #2 (Second Day)


TNP Nation
Claimed by: Scorch

Greetings to the nation of %NATION%!

Whew! I know that you have been bombarded by telegrams left and right, and it must be a bit overwhelming, not to mention annoying! Sorry to pile on, but I wanted to let you know a little about the opportunities available to you right here in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]. This is not a telegram to attempt to keep you here. I understand that it is a large world, with many regions that may be better suited to your personal style. I wish you the best if you decide to migrate from here. If not, then let me share some basic information with you that will hopefully make your settling here an engaging experience!

The forums are where the magic happens! Regional forums are the next level of gaming in Nationstates, that's why pretty much every region has one. And ours is one of the best and most active in NationStates. Government, role-play, spam games, it has it all! Come and check it out at: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/[/b] . To get you intrigued, here is a sampling of what you can get involved in.

Being a citizen gives you access to almost the entire forum. It also allows you to vote and be a candidate in regional elections - this is the path to becoming a Justice, Speaker of the Assembly, or even Delegate! Additionally, as a citizen you are a member of the Regional Assembly, the legislative body of The North Pacific and one of the most active legislatures in NationStates. In the Regional Assembly, you can help decide the direction of the region by proposing laws, debating current proposals, and holding accountable officials of the Government. All it takes to become a citizen is have a nation in The North Pacific (you already do!), and posting an application here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306731/1/[/b]

Not sure if you are ready for citizenship? Worry not, instead you could try the...

[b]Executive Staff[/b]
This program allows you to work in one of the governmental ministries to build your experience and name recognition! You can choose where you would like to work, and then learn valuable skills that will help your career in government. As part of the Executive Staff, you can be a diplomat, a reporter for the regional newspaper, a recruiter of new members, faculty staff in our University, and many more. If you are interested in joining the Executive Staff, then you can find descriptions of various positions, and apply in this thread: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7198621/1/[/b]

If you have something more martial in mind, then how about the...

[b]North Pacific Army[/b]
Interested in seeing the wider NationStates world and experiencing the military aspect of the game? Then enlist in the army of The North Pacific and start serving the region abroad as a proud soldier! World Assembly membership is a must! Sign up here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7279690/1/[/b]

You'd rather use your World Assembly nation to pass resolutions? You should get involved in our...

[b]World Assembly section[/b]
We hold voting threads on all World Assembly resolutions that reach the floor. Our WA Delegate [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] votes on resolutions based on the results of these threads, so by getting involved you directly affect how the strongest regional vote in NationStates is used. And if you want to write your own resolutions, our many expert WA authors are here to help you maximize your drafts' chances of success. You can do all these here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/39609/[/b]

Are you a die hard roleplayer? Then come on over to the...

[b]Role Play section[/b]
Claim your spot on The North Pacific map: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7340186/1/[/b] . Or you can roleplay as your nation: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/3024521/[/b] . Or both! When it comes to roleplay, imagination is the limit.

Still not quite sure you want to be [i]that[/i] involved? Well then consider becoming a...

[b]Registered Resident[/b]
This will give you greater access to forum, so you can poke around before you decide if you want to do more. Registering to become a resident is very easy, all it takes is posting the name of your North Pacifican nation here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306736/1/[/b]

I am looking forward to seeing you on the forum! Just so you don't become concerned, it takes a little bit of time for our forum administrators to authorize your account, so please be patient! There will also be the opportunity to be paired with a Forum Mentor if you choose so, who will be available to help you navigate the forum and answer any questions you might have.

Welcome to [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b], and the first drink is on us over at The North Pacific Bar and Grill!

Minister of Home Affairs
Greetings to the nation of %NATION%!

Whew! I know that you have been bombarded by telegrams left and right, and it must be a bit overwhelming, not to mention annoying! Sorry to pile on, but I wanted to let you know a little about the opportunities available to you right here in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]. This is not a telegram to attempt to keep you here. I understand that it is a large world, with many regions that may be better suited to your personal style. I wish you the best if you decide to migrate from here. If not, then let me share some basic information with you that will hopefully make your settling here an engaging experience!

The forums are where the magic happens! Regional forums are the next level of gaming in Nationstates, that's why pretty much every region has one. And ours is one of the best and most active in NationStates. Government, role-play, spam games, it has it all! Come and check it out at: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/[/b] . To get you intrigued, here is a sampling of what you can get involved in.

[spoiler=Becoming a Citizen]
Being a citizen gives you access to almost the entire forum. It also allows you to vote and be a candidate in regional elections - this is the path to becoming a Justice, Speaker of the Assembly, or even Delegate! Additionally, as a citizen you are a member of the Regional Assembly, the legislative body of The North Pacific and one of the most active legislatures in NationStates. In the Regional Assembly, you can help decide the direction of the region by proposing laws, debating current proposals, and holding accountable officials of the Government. All it takes to become a citizen is have a nation in The North Pacific (you already do!), and posting an application here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306731/1/[/b][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Joining the Executive Staff]
This program allows you to work in one of the governmental ministries to build your experience and name recognition! You can choose where you would like to work, and then learn valuable skills that will help your career in government. As part of the Executive Staff, you can be a diplomat, a reporter for the regional newspaper, a recruiter of new members, faculty staff in our University, and many more. If you are interested in joining the Executive Staff, then you can find descriptions of various positions, and apply in this thread: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7198621/1/[/b][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Joining the North Pacific Army]
Interested in seeing the wider NationStates world and experiencing the military aspect of the game? Then enlist in the army of The North Pacific and start serving the region abroad as a proud soldier! World Assembly membership is a must! Sign up here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7279690/1/[/b][/spoiler]

[spoiler=World Assembly section]
We hold voting threads on all World Assembly resolutions that reach the floor. Our WA Delegate [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] votes on resolutions based on the results of these threads, so by getting involved you directly affect how the strongest regional vote in NationStates is used. And if you want to write your own resolutions, our many expert WA authors are here to help you maximize your drafts' chances of success. You can do all these here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/39609/[/b][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Role Play section]
Claim your spot on The North Pacific map: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7340186/1/[/b] . Or you can roleplay as your nation: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/3024521/[/b] . Or both! When it comes to roleplay, imagination is the limit.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Becoming a Registered Resident]
This will give you greater access to forum, so you can poke around before you decide if you want to do more. Registering to become a resident is very easy, all it takes is posting the name of your North Pacifican nation here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306736/1/[/b][/spoiler]

I am looking forward to seeing you on the forum! Just so you don't become concerned, it takes a little bit of time for our forum administrators to authorize your account, so please be patient! There will also be the opportunity to be paired with a Forum Mentor if you choose so, who will be available to help you navigate the forum and answer any questions you might have.

Welcome to [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b], and the first drink is on us over at The North Pacific Bar and Grill!

Minister of Home Affairs
Revised and rewritten by myself, Brendog, and ABC.

Greetings to the leader of %NATION%!

It was a wise decision you made to remain in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b], such enlightened governance will surely serve your nation well moving forward. You'll be happy to know that there is so much more to NationStates than just answering issues. There is a whole world of gameplay, roleplay, and regional governance just waiting for you to dive in and make the most of it. As the largest, most active, and most powerful region in the world, [region]The North Pacific[/region] is the optimal place for you to make your mark from, and no expense has been spared to reveal the path to greatness, the only question is will you walk it?

The forums are where the magic happens! Regional forums are the next level of gaming in NationStates, that's why nearly every region has one. Ours is one of the best and most active in NationStates. Government, role-play, spam games, it has it all! Come and check it out at: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/[/b] . It may seem a mild inconvenience to create another account for this game you already had to create an account for, but the level of enrichment offsite forums bring to your NationStates experience is more than worth it.

To get you intrigued, here is a sampling of what you can get involved in.

[spoiler=How do I become a Citizen?]
All it takes to become a citizen is have a nation in The North Pacific (you already do!), and post an application here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306731/1/[/b]

Being a citizen gives you access to almost the entire forum. It also allows you to vote and be a candidate in regional elections - this is the path to becoming a Justice, Speaker of the Assembly, or even Delegate! Additionally, as a citizen, you are a member of the Regional Assembly, the legislative body of The North Pacific and one of the most active legislatures in NationStates. In the Regional Assembly, you can help decide the direction of the region by proposing laws, debating current proposals, and holding accountable officials of the Government.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=How do I join the Executive Staff?]
Join the Executive Staff by reading descriptions of various positions and figuring out which Ministry/Ministries you want to rise through the ranks of, once you've figured that out, apply in this thread: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7198621/1/[/b]

This allows you to work in one of our government ministries to build your experience and name recognition! You can choose where you would like to work, and then learn valuable skills that will help your career in government. As part of the Executive Staff, you can be a diplomat, a reporter for the regional newspaper, a recruiter of new members, a recommendation drafter for the WA Ministry , and much more. The Executive Staff are the backbone of The North Pacific's executive branch, and we as a region are greater for the contributions of every staffer.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=How do I join the North Pacific Army?]
Fight tyranny! Meet the diverse world of NationStates gameplay on the battlefield! Gain accolades and rise through the ranks! If these things appeal to you, join the North Pacific Army by signing up here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7279690/1/[/b] World Assembly membership is a must!

The North Pacific Army or NPA is the gameplay military force of The North Pacific, that means real battles between groups of nations for control over regions, not just roleplay. Typical gameplay battles usually happen between only a few dozen nations, so every single soldier makes a massive contribution. Military service is one of the best ways to rapidly rise to prominence and prove your skills in NationStates. Interested in seeing the wider world and experiencing the military aspect of the game? Then you should enlist in the NPA and start serving the region abroad as a proud soldier![/spoiler]

[spoiler=How do I get involved with the World Assembly?]
World Assembly delegates get as many extra votes in the WA as they have endorsements, and in The North Pacific we hold forum voting threads on all World Assembly resolutions that reach the floor. Our WA Delegate [b][nation]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] votes on resolutions based on the results of these threads, so by getting involved you directly affect how the strongest regional vote in NationStates is used. In recent times The North Pacific’s WA Delegate has even surpassed 1000 endorsements! If you want to write your own resolutions, our many expert WA authors are here to help you maximize your drafts' chances of success. You can do all these here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/39609/[/b][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Where can I go to Role Play?]
Claim your spot on The North Pacific map: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7340186/1/[/b] . Or you can roleplay as your nation: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/3024521/[/b] . Or both! When it comes to role-play, imagination is the limit.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=How can I become a Registered Resident?]
This will give you greater access to the forum, so you can poke around before you decide if you want to do more. Registering to become a resident is very easy, all it takes is posting the name of your TNP nation here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306736/1/[/b][/spoiler]

I am looking forward to seeing you on the forum! Just so you know, it takes a little bit of time for our forum administrators to authorize your account, so please be patient! There will also be the opportunity to be paired with a Forum Mentor if you choose so, who will be available to help you navigate the forum and answer any questions you might have.

Welcome to [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b], the first drink is on us over at The North Pacific Bar and Grill!

Minister of Home Affairs