
Today is a great day for our region. Founders' Day is where we have an opportunity to commemorate and celebrate the establishment of the first official forum of The North Pacific, and the establishment through it of the community which has kept The North Pacific as the preeminent region in Nationstates. Sankami said it best to me over Discord:
"What really struck me about this community was how active and inclusive its members were. I mean, of course not everyone, but it was nice to see that other people were involved and that people replied to my introduction thread. That's what really got me to be more involved with TNP/the forums myself, bc it seemed like a good community to be a part of."
Old Blue was founded, from what I can gather, in 2004. I was 3 years old when this community was already going strong. Can we just sit back there for a moment and think about that? It certainly awed me. Today, r3n told me, "the majority of our members are now native, dedicated TNPers, and with our activity being spread out in many areas outside of the RA."
After Old Blue came the North Pacific Directorate, and then came the forum we all know and love, created by Hersfold just a year later, in 2005. And despite the reputation TNP had as Coup Heaven in those early days, as I said before, the community Old Blue founded is still going strong. Ash told me yesterday, "I liked (and still do like) wishing people a happy birthday on the forum, and getting involved in the Agora with the political parties. At the time the political parties were thriving, with the Flemingovian Party (motto: In God We Trust) and the Regressive Party (Hail Regression!) led by JAL/Durk and later Mall being the most active."
Not to mention, we've got a thriving roleplay community, with perhaps one of the most detailed worlds in NationStates, and a wonderful spirit that it's my job to bring out in you all! So, for your viewing pleasure, here's a link to Old Blue. Take a peekie at the forum that started it all, and take pride in the community that is the shining Northern Star and the high seas of the North. Sit back, and take pride that here, the democracy is strong, the debate robust, and the rum is plentiful.
Ash, just like Sankami said it best, proving that our community knows this well-
"I think what surprised me the most was how open and accepting the community was on the forum. And that's still the case."
And of course a word from Our Lord Flemingovia himself:
"I would say the community IS the best part of our community."
Happy Founders' Day, everyone.