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Foreign Update: October 2016
Monarch: HIBM George VI | Prince of Wales: HIBH Prince Victor
His Majesty's Executive Government
Prime Minister: Heidi Mountbatten
Deputy Prime Minister: John Mountbatten
Home Secretary: Arthur K. Vasentius
Foreign Secretary: Edward Windsor
Culture Secretary: Misael G. Bartlet
Attorney General: Vacant
WA Delegate: Aetoria
Supreme Court of The Kingdom of Great Britain
Lord Chief Justice: JJ DouglasSr. Associate Justice: Nathaniel Lancaster
Jr. Associate Justice: Vacant
22nd Imperial Parliament
The House of LordsHIBH The Prince of Wales
His Royal Highness, The Prince of England
His Grace, The Duke of Gloucester
His Lordship, The Earl of Warwick
Her Ladyship, The Baroness Winters of Somerset
The House of Commons
Arthur K. Vasentius of Northern England (CON)
Arnold Todshaw of The Midlands (PAX)
Constantine Hesse of Southern England (PAX)
Misael G. Bartlet of Scotland (CON)
Edmund Norfolk of Wales (CON)
Edward Windsor of Ireland (CON)
Heidi Mountbatten of France (CON)
Judicial Shakeup
The Supreme Court of Great Britain has long been an institution which has rarely changed and has been reliably constant. However, on 11th October, Chief Justice Nathaniel Lancaster announced that he would be stepping down as the Lord Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Lord Lancaster, the Earl of Northumberland, is a respected and revered member of the Court and has long been regarded as a wise advisor for all legal matters, so it came as a shock to many when he announced that he was stepping down. The Supreme Court, at the time, was looking very small which complicated matters further, however, with the arrival of JJ Douglas some months ago, the region has been blessed with another expert in the field of law. JJ Douglas was then appointed as Lord Chief Justice in a recess appointment and Nathaniel Lancaster was made the Sr. Associate Justice. At the beginning of the 22nd session of Parliament, the Lords quickly confirmed the two appointments, citing the individuals long experience in their fields and their expertise and knowledge of KGB Law.
General Election | New Prime Minister | 22nd Session of Parliament begins
On 12th October, 2016, the General Election season began with registration opening. A flood of Conservative candidates registered immediately, with a few Pax Britannia candidates as well. After some time, it seemed as though there would be no actual voting as there were only 7 candidates for 7 MP positions. However, as time passed on and the deadline approached, more candidates began to put their names forward. The election became a hotly contested one. Pax Britannia was hoping for another term in office whilst the Conservatives were hoping to get back into power after quite a long time on the opposition benches. The election then came down to the following:
Constantine Hesse - Pax Britannica Party 24 (13.5%)
Heidi Mountbatten - Conservative Party 18 (10.1%)
Arnold Todshaw - Pax Britannica Party 23 (12.9%)
Arthur K. Vasentius - Conservative Party 21 (11.8%)
Misael G. Bartlet - Conservative Party 24 (13.5%)
Edmund Norfolk - Conservative Party 25 (14%)
Edward Windsor - Conservative Party 25 (14%)
Arthur Pendragon - Independent 18 (10.1%)
Heidi Mountbatten and Arthur Pendragon then faced off in a run-off election which saw Heidi Mountbatten elected, with only one vote between Heidi and Arthur. Soon after, Parliament was opened and the Commons began proceedings on nominating a Speaker and Prime Minister. With the Conservatives holding a majority in Parliament, Tory Party Leader Heidi Mountbatten was nominated as Prime Minister, and Pax Britannia MP Constantine Hesse was nominated as Speaker. With no competition for either post, Constantine Hesse was elected Speaker and Heidi Mountbatten was made Prime Minister-Elect. The Lords then confirmed her selection and soon after Heidi Mountbatten went to the Palace where she was invited to form a Government in the King's name. Prime Minister Mountbatten then went about appointing her cabinet. John Mountbatten was made Deputy Prime Minister, Arthur K. Vasentius was made Home Secretary, Edward Windsor was made Foreign Secretary and Misael G. Bartlet was made Culture Secretary.
Image representing the share of power in the House of Commons
Blue = Conservative | Red = Pax Britannia
The Royal Navy continues to purge the seas
His Majesty's Royal Navy has continued several major military operations and training activities since the last update, with several enlisted members climbing the ranks to more senior positions. The Navy has continued to remain active in regards to military affairs and continues to conduct military operations and traning excercises on a regular basis. Major operations included Operation Golden Gate and Operation Springtime for Woodhouse. In both operations, the Royal Navy worked with allies from various regions.
Just some things to look at...

The Supreme Court of Great Britain has long been an institution which has rarely changed and has been reliably constant. However, on 11th October, Chief Justice Nathaniel Lancaster announced that he would be stepping down as the Lord Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Lord Lancaster, the Earl of Northumberland, is a respected and revered member of the Court and has long been regarded as a wise advisor for all legal matters, so it came as a shock to many when he announced that he was stepping down. The Supreme Court, at the time, was looking very small which complicated matters further, however, with the arrival of JJ Douglas some months ago, the region has been blessed with another expert in the field of law. JJ Douglas was then appointed as Lord Chief Justice in a recess appointment and Nathaniel Lancaster was made the Sr. Associate Justice. At the beginning of the 22nd session of Parliament, the Lords quickly confirmed the two appointments, citing the individuals long experience in their fields and their expertise and knowledge of KGB Law.
General Election | New Prime Minister | 22nd Session of Parliament begins

On 12th October, 2016, the General Election season began with registration opening. A flood of Conservative candidates registered immediately, with a few Pax Britannia candidates as well. After some time, it seemed as though there would be no actual voting as there were only 7 candidates for 7 MP positions. However, as time passed on and the deadline approached, more candidates began to put their names forward. The election became a hotly contested one. Pax Britannia was hoping for another term in office whilst the Conservatives were hoping to get back into power after quite a long time on the opposition benches. The election then came down to the following:
Constantine Hesse - Pax Britannica Party 24 (13.5%)
Heidi Mountbatten - Conservative Party 18 (10.1%)
Arnold Todshaw - Pax Britannica Party 23 (12.9%)
Arthur K. Vasentius - Conservative Party 21 (11.8%)
Misael G. Bartlet - Conservative Party 24 (13.5%)
Edmund Norfolk - Conservative Party 25 (14%)
Edward Windsor - Conservative Party 25 (14%)
Arthur Pendragon - Independent 18 (10.1%)
Heidi Mountbatten and Arthur Pendragon then faced off in a run-off election which saw Heidi Mountbatten elected, with only one vote between Heidi and Arthur. Soon after, Parliament was opened and the Commons began proceedings on nominating a Speaker and Prime Minister. With the Conservatives holding a majority in Parliament, Tory Party Leader Heidi Mountbatten was nominated as Prime Minister, and Pax Britannia MP Constantine Hesse was nominated as Speaker. With no competition for either post, Constantine Hesse was elected Speaker and Heidi Mountbatten was made Prime Minister-Elect. The Lords then confirmed her selection and soon after Heidi Mountbatten went to the Palace where she was invited to form a Government in the King's name. Prime Minister Mountbatten then went about appointing her cabinet. John Mountbatten was made Deputy Prime Minister, Arthur K. Vasentius was made Home Secretary, Edward Windsor was made Foreign Secretary and Misael G. Bartlet was made Culture Secretary.

Image representing the share of power in the House of Commons
Blue = Conservative | Red = Pax Britannia
The Royal Navy continues to purge the seas
His Majesty's Royal Navy has continued several major military operations and training activities since the last update, with several enlisted members climbing the ranks to more senior positions. The Navy has continued to remain active in regards to military affairs and continues to conduct military operations and traning excercises on a regular basis. Major operations included Operation Golden Gate and Operation Springtime for Woodhouse. In both operations, the Royal Navy worked with allies from various regions.
Just some things to look at...

This Update has been brought to you by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the authority of the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
We, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, would like to thank you for your continued cooperation with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Thank you.