[DRAFT] Recommendation Reducing Statelessness


Though the resolution before us has the best intentions, it is imperfect in construction and execution. It identifies citizenship as "societally guaranteed," and setting aside this questionable language and awkward phrasing at the end of the preamble, the rest of the resolution seeks to redress the matter of nationality, not citizenship. The nuances of these terms deserve greater attention and explanation than what is offered here. The resolution takes for granted a uniform understanding and application of these terms in the laws of all member states, even when they may, with good reason, work quite differently from nation to nation. This is particularly disappointing since the resolution was in the drafting stage for so long. Nevertheless, the goal of the resolution is laudable and worth supporting, in spite of its rough edges. Though the resolution does not delve far into the complexities of citizenship, it also does not prevent nations from handling this issue as they see fit provided they comply with the very basic requirements laid out by the resolution.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.