Office of the Minister of Home Affairs
October 7th, 2016
Hello everyone,
I am pleased to announce that the Home Affairs Ministry has developed a rewards system for its Executive Staff -- both Recruitment Officers, and as you are about to find out, Forum Mentors. First of all, the Ministry will be giving out official TNP Recruitment Officer badges to all recruiters for the length of their service. The Ministry will be compiling a bi-weekly report tracking the performance of all recruiters for a two week period. If a recruiter fails to recruit at all within the two week period, then their status as a Recruitment Officer will be revoked. As part of the report, all Recruiters will be recognized for their work on here and the RMB, and the three recruiters with the most recruitment telegrams sent during that time frame will be given special mention along with signature sized medals/ribbons to display in their signatures. Recruiters spend an incredible amount of time doing their work and ensuring that our military, citizenry, and overall community is constantly supplied with new players at all times. These rewards are a way of thanking our Recruitment Officers for their hard work and support, and we hope that through them, players will join the Home Affairs Executive Staff and become Recruitment Officers.
At the moment, I am happy to award Scorch, Kasch, Pallaith, Darklord, Techislovakia, Mystery Player, Praetor, Soru, Kondratev, ETDNL (eyes that do not lie), and myself with the Recruitment Officer badge. (Credit goes to Kasch for designing the badges)
The second announcement that I wish to make is the relaunching of our Mentoring Program. As some of you may remember, when the Ministry of Home Affairs was first created under Delegate R3n, it was tasked with two functions -- recruitment and mentoring. The Mentoring Program was largely successful at first. We were retaining a HUGE portion of new citizens joining the region, and the program worked as we intended. Eventually, the mentoring system proved too tedious and inefficient to run, though, and as a result, it was cancelled. I am happy to announce that the Home Affairs Ministry will be partnering with the Gameside Affairs Ministry to relaunch the program. Under the new and improved Mentoring Program, the GA Ministry will administer mentoring on the NS-side of things. They will answer any questions that nations have on the RMB and through Telegrams, advertise our forums on the RMB during high activity times, and along with the Home Affair's Recruitment Officers, their main function will be to get people to register on the forums and Discord chat.
From there, the HA Ministry's Forum Mentors will PM new members on the forums as they come in. To avoid any confusion, new members will be assigned to Mentors by the Minister of Home Affairs unlike the previous tradition of letting the mentors pick the new members. Mentors will then send an introductory PM linking the new members to our Citizenship, NPA, and ES applications, as well as basically outlining what NS is about in general and offering to assist them in any way. Unlike previously, Forum Mentors will no longer be required to track their mentees and constantly follow up on them for the length of 2 weeks. If a member does not respond to a Mentor's Introductory PM but remains active/involved 5 days after joining, then a check up PM will be sent out to basically offer help again and check up on the new player. If there is no response to that PM, then contact ceases on the part of the Mentor until further notice, unless contacted by the member. The Mentoring Team will consist of no more than 7-8 highly experienced, active forum members who have been on the TNP forums for at LEAST 1 government term (4 months) or have held at least 1 public office during their time in TNP. Applications for the position of Forum Mentor will be up shortly, and anybody who meets either of those standards can apply.
The Mentoring Team will be supplied with signature sized medals/badges that they can use.