Freedom of inforemation request


I make this request based upon Section 7.3, Clauses 19-20 of the Legal Code, the Freedom of Information Act:

19. All registered residents residing in The North Pacific may request information from the Government through the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive.
20. The Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive will endeavour to retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government, who are obligated to release this information provided it will not and/or does not present a threat to regional security or unduly impinge on the privacy of private residents

I request the release of all government / cabinet logs, whether on forum or on IRC or DISCORD pertaining to the perceived security threat by New Kenya arising after intel was received from Pierconium and Aliesyr concerning this individual.

I make this request in the interests of a fair trial for New Kenya. Given the time pressures of the court I would request a speedy response to this request.

Should regional security be considered an issue I would be happy to view the threads in camera and have them considered by the court in private session.
Sorry to be a pain, but time is running out in the trial for the deposition of evidence, and I will need time to examine evidence before i deposit. Any chance I could have a response to my FOI request?

Thank you
There were no logs from discord or IRC as far as I know, or as far as my predecessor knows, of cabinet discussion of New Kenya or a supposed threat posed by them.
thank you.

I note you only mention discord and IRC. Can I take it on record that there are no forum records either? Meaning, in fact, that there were no government discussions at all about New Kenya?