A Declaration of War


A Royal Resolution to Parliament

WHEREAS, the region and military organization known as The Grey Wardens has for a long time opposed the actions of Imperialism and Raiderism on NationStates,

AND, that they have time and time again interfered with His Majesty's Corps of Royal Marines, that august body which defends the interests of the Kingdom of Great Britain abroad,

AND, that The Grey Wardens have consistently impeded, irritated, and attacked our allies,

UNDERSTANDING that we, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain, under Article III, Section E, Subsection 5, have the necessary ability to authorize any Declaration of War made by His Majesty the King,

AND given that His Majesty the King has requested we perform our duty under the Constitution as relayed above,

HEREBY DO DECLARE AND ANNOUNCE THAT a State of War now exists between the Kingdom of Great Britain and The Grey Wardens, and that we do humbly beseech the citizenry of our region to join His Majesty's Royal Corps of Marines in the hopes of ending this conflict in a stunning victory.